Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Be a Love Magnet

A small magnet
  • Ylang Ylang oil
  • Pink ribbon

  • Make sure you're using a magnet large enough to tie the ribbon around, so no little button magnets.

    Rub a little oil into the magnet and then tie ribbon around it with a sturdy knot.

    Carry it with you to bring some love into your life. Recharge it with more oil on Friday nights until you meet someone new.

    To find what is lost

    Use this spell when you are looking for something you've misplaced in your home. You just need a white candle.

    Light the candle, and put it in a holder that is easy to carry. Begin to walk from room to room with it, repeating the following:
    I need what I seek
    Give me a peek
    Draw my eyes
    For my prize.
    Let your eyes wander around until you feel drawn to the spot where your missing item is hiding.

    Sunday, May 25, 2014

    Crossroads Spell

    Dispel and clear Hex Objects


    Standard Removal And Repelling This  spell can be used as an antidote to any type of object-driven hex, whether the item (s) were left on your doorstep, buried in your garden, or secreted within your home.


    The first step is removal, you must find all the object, or the pieces and gather them up, wrapping them in a fabric packet (any fabric will do) make sure you fold away from you.


    Then take the packet to a crossroads at midnight, and burn everything.   Then bury the ash's at the crossroad.  


    Now I have 2 pairs of earrings... with one earring missing!!!  Driving me crazy! Both were one of my favorite pairs.  A pretty purple crystal one, and my Doctor Who Tartis earring!

    Just one of each missing.... lost somewhere in the house.... you know it has to be trolls! 

    They like pretty things.... but only take ONE, just to piss you off!!!!

    So this is my Troll Rhyme


    The trolls are coming hear them squealing, running.
    Always scheming, while we dream.
    Searching out the pretty things!
    shiny bobbles, glitter rings
    Take them home and horde them now,
    let the humans wonder how,
    they lost that damn thing anyhow?
    Watching Troll's giggling so gay
    Play with it, put it back another day

    Anyone know of any recipes for Roasted Trolls!!!!!!!!

    Some old work of mine

    Are fairy's just like butterfly's?
    Who live in summer, comes winter dies?
    Do their wings go slow and lazy thru the sky's?
    Or like hummingbirds do they whiz by?
    Are fairy's colors autumn bright?
    Or green to hide in springs delight?
    Do they fly so fancy free?
    Or fight and worry like you and me?
    No matter witch, I watch the sky's,
    to dream I could see a fairy fly!


    Do not judge my skin so green,
    and think me evil sight unseen!
    for in the bog I flit and fly
    in joyful abandon, till I die.
    the color green, of frogs and wet,
    this perfect life, my skin reflects .
    although the swamps are dark and dreary,
    my happy soul, is far from weary!

    Saturday, May 24, 2014

    Red Salt

    Red Salt can be used in Spell work that involves:
    Love, Romance, Passion, Sex drive, Lust for life.
    Place around the bed, can spice up your sex life.
    Carry in a sachet, it will help keep love strong.
    How to make:
    In a Mortar and Pestle, blend together Sea Salt, and Paprika or Cayenne Pepper, and red food coloring if you choose.
    concentrate on your goal, and what it's to be used for
    Make sure you seal the left over salt in a tight lidded jar.... for use at a later time!

    Telling the Bee's

    When someone dies you are supposed to tell the bees~ and invite them to the funeral,

    give them wine and cake, hang mourning cloth over the hive.

    You can tell them other things as well

    News of a marriage,

    when you are going to harvest the honey,

    when you are troubled by your dreams.

    Tell them and they will listen, tell them and they will spread the word with the wind.

    Goddess Protection Amulet


    Goddess Protection Amulet )O( ~

    Under the full moon, take your favorite jewel outside and place it in a cup half-full of salt water.

    Stir the water 3 times with your arthame, while saying the following incantation:

    Goddess protect me...Keep me from harm...
    With your light Energize this charm.
    So Mote it be.

    Allow the amulet to charge under the light of the full moon for at least two to three hours. -

    Friday, May 23, 2014

    Saturday, May 17, 2014

    Throwback Dessert Recipes

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Ice Box Pie

    For the crust
    • 2 cups graham cracker crumbs
    • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
    • 3 tablespoons creamy peanut butter
    • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
    • 1-3 tablespoons water
    For the filling
    • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened
    • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1/4 cup milk
    • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
    • 4 ounces peanut butter cups, chopped, plus more for garnish
    Directions: To make the crust, preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Lightly grease a 9-inch pie plate. Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar, peanut butter, and butter until combined. Add water, 1 tablespoon at a time, until mixture holds together when pinched. Press mixture into bottom and up sides of prepared pan. Bake 10 minutes or until edges of crust are lightly browned.
    To make the filling, using an electric mixer on medium speed, beat cream cheese and sugar until fluffy. Mix in vanilla. Add milk in three portions, alternating with cocoa powder, and mix until combined. Begin and end with milk. In a large bowl, beat whipping cream with a whisk or with an electric mixer with the whisk attachment. Whisk until soft peaks form. Gently fold whipped cream into chocolate mixture. Gently stir in chopped peanut butter cups. Transfer filling to pie crust. Spread evenly and smooth top. Garnish with peanut butter cups. Refrigerate at least 6 hours. Alternately, place in freezer for at least 4 hours.

    Raspberry Jello salad
    • 1 (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple
    • 1 (6-ounce) box raspberry Jell-O gelatin
    • 1 cup cold water
    • 1 (21-ounce) can raspberry pie filling
    • 1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, slightly softened
    • 1 cup sour cream
    • 1/2 cup powdered sugar
    Directions: Add pineapple and enough water to make 2 cups to a saucepan and heat to boil. Pour over jello and stir until dissolved. Add cold water and pie filling. Stir well. Chill until set in a 9-by-12-inch dish. Whip cream cheese until smooth. Add sour cream and powdered sugar and mix until creamy. Spread on jello. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts and/or fresh raspberries. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

    Easy Peach Cobbler

    • 1/2 cup margarine
    • 1 cup milk
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cup Bisquick mix
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla or almond extract
    • 1 large can sliced peaches, undrained
    Directions: Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Melt butter in 11-by-13-inch pan. Mix milk, sugar, Bisquick mix, and extract together. Remove pan from oven and pour melted margarine into milk mixture. Pour peaches and juice into pan, cutting up slices if desired; pour milk mixture over peaches. Place in oven and bake about 45-60 minutes, until golden brown. Serve with Cool Whip or ice cream.

    No bake rocky road bars
    • 4 cups graham cracker crumbs
    • 2 cups miniature marshmallows
    • 1 cup chopped nuts
    • 1 cup powdered sugar
    • 1 12-ounce bag semisweet chocolate chips
    • 3/4 cup evaporated milk
    Directions: Mix together the graham cracker crumbs, marshmallows, nuts, and powered sugar in a large bowl. Melt the chocolate chips in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds until smooth. Add the evaporated milk to the chocolate and stir until smooth and incorporated. Pour chocolate over graham cracker-marshmallow mixture and toss until well combined.
    Press mixture into a well-greased 9-inch pan and pat down (easiest to do with wet hands!). Place in fridge until firm (about 1 hour). Dust with powdered sugar and slice into squares.



    Friday, May 16, 2014

    Quick Mirror defence spell

    Quick spell to defend yourself from bad intentions.

    Get a small mirror... one from a compact will do....

    Hold it up, reflective side facing away from you.  And say

    Circle of reflection.
    Circle of protection.
    May the sender of all harm,
    Feel the power of this charm!

    Place the mirror in the window, preferably facing the direction where the harm giver lives, but make sure the mirror is facing AWAY from you.

     And never, EVER, look in to it!!!

    Leave it to charge in the window for a week and a day, then bury it deep in your garden, reflective surface facing down, making sure you don't damage it, and let the charm escape!

    Monday, May 12, 2014

    Old women smell in your house?

    Japanese Persimmon Extract Eliminates All Body Odors

    Mirai's Purifying & Deodorizing Body Bar is the only soap in the U.S. with Japanese Persimmon Extract which significantly reduces all body odors, including Nonenal, the source of hormonal imbalance or aging body odor.

     Handcrafted by soap artisans in Japan, it gently cleanses and hydrates your skin, without stripping the skin's natural oils.

    Nonenal: changes in body odor as a function of age and found a specific component that is characteristic of the body odor of the middle-aged and the elderly.
        Evidence that suggests that both the change of the monounsaturated fatty acid composition of skin surface lipids and the increase of lipid peroxides associated with aging may be involved in the formation of this characteristic odor component.

    You know that smell, your grandmas house smell?  I always thought it was because the elderly refuse's to open windows and air out the house..... But, now I know it's because of changes in body hormones and fat as we age.

    Now I haven't noticed the smell on me.... but then people rarely notice smells associated with their own body odor.  

    Just for the hell of it, since I am in that age bracket .... I ordered this soap.

    I'll let you know how it goes.

    Near death, Flu, doctors and YUCK!

    Well, this has been a Interesting few months.... by that I mean the old curse..."my your life be interesting"...

    I don't get sick often... but when I do.... Baby, watch out!!!

    I managed to get a Urinary Track Infection (don't ask... but it had to do with a hot tub, and fun)... tried all my natural remedies and finally gave up and went to the doctors when nothing seemed to work.


    So they put me on meds, and cultured the infection.  The first meds seemed to be working just fine... but then they called me and said, "we're changing you to this stuff, cause the culture says to"

    Needless to say..... the first meds stopped working, and the second meds DID NOTHING AT ALL.

    A week later I'm in the hospital emergency room because I'm peeing blood!  Wonderful

    They did a Cat Scan, "to check for kidney stones" then put me on a med that actually worked... took forever, because it had gotten so bad.... but it worked

    See, you have to watch out with me.  When I was 6 years old I got a bone infection... called Osteomyelitis..(pretty sure that's not spelled right)... it's a NASTY bone infection....

    not only do people die from it, but in later years it can reemerge and kill you then too! 

    They gave me a mix of antibiotics to try and kill it.  And it worked!  They operated to remove the infected bone and tissue, and kept me on meds in the hospital for a few months.  I was the only one of 10 patients with the same thing that survived.  Pretty good odds for the 1950's.   Oh, and I kept full range of motion in the infected elbow... something they were stunned at.

    Unfortunately the meds had one side effect.... they fuck your kidneys up right and proper.... but in my opinion.... Low kidney function.... Alive.... you pick one!  I was happy to just be alive

    My kidneys are low functioning, and full of cysts... but it's never been a problem (aside from an occasional kidney stone that I pass without help)  But it does freak the doctors out when they test me!!!  Love it!  Assholes.... cause I tell a new doctor about it right from the start, but they still freak.

    Well to get back to it.  I started feeling much better... the infection was clearing up.... and


    Holy Shit!!!  Nasty strain it was too. Pretty sure it was even worse from all that blood loss and Meds.

    The worse was the coughing!!!  I managed to damage 3 ribs.  It's been over a month now and I've just started to be able to sneeze and yawn without curling up in agony!!! 

    Yawning is still a bit of a problem... my body refuse's to do it, and I wind up with like a huge spasm in my diaphragm each time I try... but it's getting better.  3 times out of 6 times, I can yawn.  And yesterday I sneezed 3 times with out undo pain and agony.

    So all I'm trying to do is get back to normal. 

    Most of the exhaustion from the flu is gone... that took forever... and my energy is slowly returning.  Being able to do some sun bathing is helping A LOT! 

    The more sun I absorb the better I'm feeling.

    So sorry about the lack a daisy posting... but I'm getting back up to speed. 

    Those of you who follow me here might like to follow me on Twitter also... I post a "spell of the day" on it.  You can use either my name, or my Twitter account name, to find me there.
    I actually enjoy tweeting, because no one on facebook knows I'm there... and I can post things that I don't want my regular friends to know about ........ yet.  LOL  Plus, I talk to interesting people, and TV and movie stars.
    Give me time.... and I'll be up and running again. Promise!

    Friday, May 09, 2014

    Holding and grounding energy

    Spell to hold, and ground energy in your life

    Items needed
    1 green candle
    I small plant in pot
    a glass of water

    Light the candle, and water the plant saying

    I do this with my hand as a gesture
    of grounding this life's energy within me.
    I ask that this be done,
    for my greater good,
    and for those around me.
    As I will so mote it be

    Blow out the candle, but leave it by the plant.

    You can light it to bring the spell back up, without words, and to re-enforce it, anytime you want to.

    Thursday, May 08, 2014

    Red Hot Intimacy Spell

    What you need:
    2 red candles
    2 eggs
    Small bowl

    Light the candles and place them next to one another.  Place the bowl in front of the candles. 
    Use your knife to gently break the shell of the eggs and empty them into the bowl

    Breaking the first egg say:

    Breaking the second egg say:

    Stir the eggs gently with the knife, making sure to break both yolks... and say


    Keep repeating this till the eggs are well mixed, then go outside and pour the eggs into the soil.  You can do this once a week until you feel that extra boost with your loved one!

    Threshold Protection Spell

    Simple spell to keep negative energy and people from entering your house

    3 cloves of garlic (dried can be use, or even better use Garlic Salt)
    handful of sea salt
    handful of dried rosemary

    Stir everything together and leave in a bowl on a windowsill for the night to gather the moons energy.   Allow to charge over night in the moon light.

    Next morning take the bowl outside and spread it around the outside of your front door, and any other door to your house.  The main door should have the most of it.

    No need to say anything, let the herbs do the work

    Monday, May 05, 2014

    New moon magic!

    Write your wishes on a scrap of paper (or on a bay leaf) and burn them in your cauldron during the "new" moon!

    Magic need not be complicated. It is as simple as that! 

    Of course, I'll not use my large cauldron, since it's planted with strawberry's... but I have quite a few small ones to use!