Thursday, August 04, 2005

Well I did it!!!!!

My transformation to "CRONE" is complete. LOL I've had red hair for years, and a few months ago I bleached it, and then let it grow out to it's natural color.... which is white as snow. Giggle.

Well today, I did the unthinkable!!! I went to a beauty shop!!!!! Now for thoes of you who know me, that's something that happens only every 20 years or so!!!!! I had them cut all my hair off!!!! Yep real short. I wanted to get rid of all that damaged hair, and the hair with some dye still left in it.

Now all I have it natural. No dyes or color at all except mine!!!! I actually havent' seen my real hair in over 40 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's the truth!!!!!!

So now that I'm like this, totaly natural, I will let my hair grow again. I do like it long, so by the end of the summer it should be back to down to my shoulders... but dye free and all me!!! Giggle


  1. WOWWWSERRRR miss judi I love it!!! and yes you nearly did give me a heart attack!!! giggles shes not kidding when she says its like dragging a kicking screaming mule down the road to get her into a buety shop giggles hehehe the hair looks terrific!!!!!


  2. I know! It was so hard to do, but I just held my breath and did it. :sigh: it will grow again, and in the meantime It feels kinda nice. LOL
