Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fresh Air!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's sooooooo nice to be able to open the windows again!!!!!! Airing out my house yesterday, and today is fantastic.
You don't know how much you miss fresh air till you stuck in the house, windows closed, because of the cold!!!
I'm trying really hard to stop myself from running out and getting the patio swing I'm drooling over! Actually it's not that hard, since it's the middle of the month and I'm broke. GIGGLE
But, I so want to sit outside and swing!!!! Just a few more weeks and I'll run out and get one!!!!!
This weekend I've got plans with friends, and it should be fun. I'm hoping the weather holds and it's nice a warm!! It's kinda hard to do anything, when I have to drive Matt back and forth to school all week, really breaks up my schedule, but then he's doing so fantastic, I can't feel bad about all the time I'm spending doing it.
My birthdays coming up soon, YUCKY! I'm trying NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT, but it keeps creeping into my mind at odd moments. GIGGLE

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