Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dr. Who

I've seen the season end show of Dr. Who, at least 6 times this weekend. This is the show that Christopher Eccleston leaves, and is replaced by another Dr. Who. (a much younger version)
Now, don't get me wrong, I've seen a few shows with the new 2 nd season Dr. Who, and he's good, I like him...... but Christopher..... goddess I'm going to miss him!!!!
OK, so those of you who know me, know I go for a darker man, but I've spent the season mooning over this man. He is just soooooooo....... goddess I can't describe it, but every time I see a close up of him, all I can see is those kissable, yummmy, totally fantastic lips!!!!!
Geeze I'm too old to have a move star crush! LOL but he just pushed some button in me, and I fell for the lug. LOL
But not to worry, he is now the new character on "HERO'S" he plays the invisible man. Yepper so I'll still get to see him.
The thing is, I think, that he was older. It's so hard to find someone on TV that's not under 30!!!! I know he wasn't that old, but still, much closer to me then most of the men on TV.
Or maybe, just maybe there's something about older white Englishmen that float my boat. GIGGLE As some of you well know, I have a slight weakness for that type, just slight, and mostly men without hair! GIGGLE
But just once I'd like to .................. nah, you don't need to know that. GIGGLE.
Well, Dr. Who, first season, you will be sorely missed!

1 comment:

  1. something we share in common mom...I love English men...and I love baldies!!! and Dark skin Yum Yum Yum@! OOoh by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY 30 YR OLD SISTER/MOMMY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! March 5th
