Friday, March 16, 2007

The last few days have been lovely! I've been sitting out on my new swing every chance I can get!

I've filled up all the pots with fresh dirt, and I even planted the beans in one pot. Beans need the colder weather to grow, so it's always good to plant them early. A little snow won't hurt them a bit, even making them taste better.

I planted the crispy snow pod beans, and in the same pot I've tried a new bean, it's an Oriental bean called long asparagus. LOL Yes, I know, it's weird to name a veggie after another veggie.... but they are super long beans that taste wonderful. The pods can grow like 2 feet long, so I'll have plenty to eat, and even more to freeze for later use.

Now, we're going to have a spell of colder weather, but that's OK.... after the last few days I can cope with some snow and cold, because I know that it's getting warmer after!!!!!!


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