Monday, July 16, 2007

shore leave 3

This is Merlin welcoming a new member of the family, Pollywacket!

Polly, as you can see is a wizard cat, he checks the crystal ball as he works over his bubbling cauldron.

A candle goes in the back of him...... making his eyes, that are yellow glass, glow wonderfully!!!! The candle holder is red glass, so the eyes are a mix of yellow and red! Very pretty!!!!

But Polly is a two use kitty, the cauldron he's stirring has a medal base, so you can burn incense!!!!! Soooooo cooooooool!

Now I had another cat like that once, one with wings, but I gave it to a friend. I only hope she's still taking care of it. It would crush me to think she ruined it like lots of other stuff I gave to her.

1 comment:

  1. that cat is still the center piece on my alter and will remain so it was a treasured gift from my teacher.
