Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've been going crazy trying to find a color for the kitchen walls.

Yepper, I got sick of those damn tulips!!!!!

But, nothing is every easy for me. I looked at color swatches, after more color swatches...... and I'm no closer to picking something then I was 4 years ago.

But my bedroom............... now I didn't intend to paint that room............ but I bought this book at BJ's. Just an ordinary book........... but the cover color............... PERFECT!!!! It's like a greenish gray color that's perfect for my BEDROOM!!!

NOT THE KITCHEN.......... but the fucking bedroom.

Oh well, I follow what the fate's decree, and if they want me to do my bedroom, then that's what I'll do.

I'm sure when it's time for the kitchen, those colors will come to me too........ hopefully!

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