Monday, November 10, 2008


went into the "Christmas closet" today, I figured It was about time to make a list of what I bought, and what I have left to buy.

Holy crapola!!!!! Waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to much stuff in there!!!!!!!
So as of now,I am done with:

Barb (just what she wanted)
Jamie (too much stuff)
Matt (he's got his already, and played it)
Steph (she's gonna love them)
Baby Josh (only one thing, he's a baby it's big, he'll love it!)
Elizabeth Paige (pretty stuff, and educational)
Sabastion (cool stuff and educational)

All I have left is something else for Morganna, I got her a pretty stuff, but she needs an educational

I was going to get the kids gift certificates, but I have gotten too much already for them.

Plus I have all the little shits for their stockings, like candy and finger puppets etc!


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