Monday, May 18, 2009


This is me this morning! I woke up, cold, achy, and with no energy whatsoever!!!!

Fibromyagia is like that sometime, feeling good, then crashing. It must have been the cold last night.... that sometimes saps my ENERGY and makes everything ache.... but I gave myself a pep talk

Now, I'm not good at taking orders..... from anyone, EVEN myself. giggle

So I knew I had to get milk..... but WALK THERE? Damn, I have a good car, I could just drive.... and FUCK the exercise!!!

I got dressed, put on my heavy sweater (it's freeking cold out there!) picked up my purse, and left the house.... heading for my car.......

But, something told me NO, and I wound up walking anyway. But, I'm still out of coffee, and without that I dragged my way all the way there!

I'm glad I did, because I need the exercise, And my WaWa was celebrating their 30th Birthday.... FREE COFFEE.... YIPPPPPIE


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