Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Farmer Brown

I couldn't ignore the garden any longer.... due to the rain, and the stress I've been under, I haven't really looked at it much at all. And I sure didn't need to water with all that rain!!!

But, this morning I went out and checked on it, and picked, and picked and picked!!!

This bowl above is from ONE of the string bean bushes, I have about 20 of them. I swear the beans were really tiny last time I looked, but today they were giant.

And I picked blueberry's, the ripe ones, and froze them for winter cereal treats. Then I spent an hour picking the Gooseberry's!!!!!

Seems it's all doing good, except the tomatoes..... lots of tiny tomatoes... but only 2 ripe ones.... hope they all start ripening soon!

I must try to remember to go out each day and pick, really, I'll remember, sure I will...... damn!

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