Sunday, September 27, 2009


Tons of wonderful stuff was offered as a trade....but these I loved the most...... so the winner is.......

Crazy Squirrel Lady!!!

She wins all those goodies in my trade off.....

but wait a minute..... hummmmmm,

seems I have doubles of the same lot of goodies.... so I think I'll make TWO winners!!!!

the winners are

crazy squirrel lady

(this from her e-mail... not quite sure what blog it's from, cause e-mail address's and blog names sometimes don't match.... but not to worry, I'm sure your recognize yourself)

So my dears, email me with your address's and I'll ship your stuff out right way!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh YAY !!! I'm so excited. Winning something is like eating chocolate ice cream ! Well.. pretty darn close!
    Thank you - I'll email you.
