Thursday, October 08, 2009

Walk at the Beach

After seeing blog walking in the gardens, I had to post my walk at the beach today.

Just a short ride away, the air was chilly, but the sun was warm!

Here are some mussel's, shells, and such on the sand.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of this jelly fish marooned on the beach, he glistened like a gemstone

My favorite occupation on the beach is picking up shells to bring home, early morning the sand is full of them

The waves were so pretty in the sun! and the water was clear as a bell, I could see all they way down to the bottom

These little fellows miss the summer beach crowd with all their food, they followed me around hoping I would eat something and give them a treat!

I left there feeling reborn! The salt air, hot sun, what more could a woman ask for. sigh


  1. I am too jealous... a walk on the beach even in the cold would be wonderful...

  2. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Oh Judith...the sea looks beautiful...all twinkly...that's where real magick lies...thanks for showing us your walk!
