Friday, October 23, 2009

Your driving me bonkers.... giggle

This morning hopping around the Blogger world, I was being driven crazy by all the wonderful recipes for pumpkin! The breads, oh my, the cup cakes, oh dear!!!! It was just too much for me to stand! GIGGLE

And since I can't eat cakes or breads, I did one better.... to make myself feel better, I added just a touch of pumpkin pie spice to my sugar.... and then used heavy cream instead of milk.... and enjoyed the aroma of it all in a nice cup of coffee! It really was YUMMMMMMMY!

Now, how about y'all start talking about ANYTHING, but good food I can't eat!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've been adding cinnamon and cloves to my coffee for a while now - I just love the Autumny flavour!
