Tuesday, January 12, 2010

And some more for your bath


Materials required: Muslin bag/Dead sea salts/lavender herb/lavender oil.

Fill your muslin bag half way with the dead sea salts, add two teaspoons of lavender
and one drop of lavender oil. Tie up the bag and include in your bath.
Close your eyes and feel your body soak up the healing herb, salt and oil.
Chant the rhyme:

Pains and Aches and Evil Things
Fly from me on rapid wings!
Leave my body, don't return
For peace and quiet I do yearn.
Surround me in Her radiant light.
Magic power pure and white
Banish forces of the night!


1 tbls bicarbonate soda 5 drops essential oil juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp. good oil, such as sweet almond ½ cup sea salt

Stir the soda, essential oil, lemon juice and oil together and then blend in the salt.

Dissolve in the bath water.

Light 4 candles (colors of your choice) and place at the 4 corners of the tub.

Step slowly into the bath water, feeling it envelope around you. Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself laying on the surface of the ocean.

There is nothing around you, you are alone and at peace.
Feel the warmth of the sun beating down on you. Say either out loud or quietly to yourself:

Be comforted, All is well Now you are blessed.
You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.


Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it.
Light some vanilla candles and/or incense.
As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words:

Earth, Air, Fire, Sea
Let the Goddess' beauty
Shine through me


Take a lit silver or white candle, some salt, and a healing oil (such as carnation, violet,
sandalwood, or narcissus) into the bathroom. By the candle's light run a tub of very warm water.
Cast some salt into it, add a few drops of healing oil, and then step into the tub.
Relax. Feel the warm salted water sinking into your pores, through your skin, sterilizing the
sick portions of your body. Visualize the 'black worms' leaving it, if you wish, and when you
feel the water teeming with them pull the plug and let the water drain out. While it is draining, chant:

The sickness is flowing out of me,
Into the water, down to the sea.

Only when the tub is completely drained stand up. It is best to immediately splash your body with
fresh water (a shower is ideal) to remove the last vestiges of the disease of sickness-laden water.
Repeat as needed to speed your body's recovery.

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