Saturday, January 30, 2010

Spring cleaning out of boredom!

I started my spring cleaning today, totally out of boredom, since it's too freaking COLD to do much else.

How I spring clean?

Step 1: get 1 gallon black garbage bag


In the back of my bedroom walk in closet I found this bottle. Where it came from I have no idea... but since it has a shot top (for pouring Jiggers) and I don't drink, I figured it was something a friend left here... sometime in the last 30 or so years!

Normally I would chuck it, but it's a FISHIE! Pretty glass FISHIE! And that explains why it wasn't chucked years ago. But what to do with it.... put it back in the closet and ignore it?....put it in the kitchen with the rest of the kitchen clutter?...or chuck it in the garbage bag?

Nope, can't do it!!! My whole bathroom is fishies, so I walked with it in the bathroom to wash it out. While running hot water in it, I started putting away thing on my bathroom sink... I tend to leave stuff out there, till it's too crowded to put anything else on there. giggle

When, with my little eye, I spied the HUGE mouthwash bottle! Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm

Now the bottle is all cleaned out, and filled with mouthwash, and sitting pretty on my counter... while the huge UGLY bottle of mouthwash is safe and secure in my cabinet.

Pretty glass fishie, now USEFUL glass fishie!

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