Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm NOT the type of woman who cries, or is helpless... but this has got me beat.

I can't shovel cause I have a broken shoulder that never healed, so I can't use my right arm for heavy lifting...

I can't even get out my back door, because I can't open it to shovel, and I can't walk around because the snow is too deep!!!

I don't have the money to pay someone to dig me out.....

And I just CAN'T DO IT!!!!

The snow is up to my mid-thigh!!!!! I managed to get the front door open, and clear the top steps... and then slog my way to my car and semi clear off my windshield... but even if I rev up the car and ram the snow... I don't think I can get out!!!!

And they are saying more snow for the weekend!!!!!

This is the first thing that has beaten me in all my life!!!!! And yes, I'm beaten, I can't do it!!!!!


  1. Heres wishing that Mr. Sun is back out soon and you can once a gain function... be careful and stay warm

  2. make some hot cocoa..sounds like a jammie day to me!

  3. Oh, so sorry to hear that!! Frog queen thinks snow is evil :D

    Stay warm , and here is to better weather!

