Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ugh! AGAIN?????

SNOW COMING AGAIN!!!! I'm done, I'm finished, I'm going to go postal!!!!!!!!!

My girlfriend called to tell me her daffodils are up!!!! I can't even get to the area where mine should be!!!!! BITCH!!!! ahhh, feel better now! GIGGLE

Come on spring, hear my plea, come real soon and SAVE ME!!!!


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    We are supposed to be getting some tomorrow. I am ready for spring. I am ready for my 60 and 70 degree weather.

  2. Its been sunny and in the 60s here. No winter to speak of. Flowers are already coming up and the buds are on the trees! But in reality, I would LOVE to get some snow.

    Stay warm hun

  3. LOL! So I guess I should stop complaining about the rain? :D

