Tuesday, April 06, 2010

heart beating fast, going to faint!!!

I was sitting outside, enjoying the sun, sort of dreaming and just being happy.... when out of the corner of my eye I spied something on the ground.... coming towards me!!!!

Of course my mind, being slightly cracked, envisioned a HUGE SPIDER!!!!

Knocking over my chair, running away, screaming........

When I looked back.... chipmunk, sitting on the ground.... looking at me like I was out of my mind!!!!!

Very funny you little vermin!!!! Very funny!


  1. Creeeeepy!!!! And I would do the same thing. but not go back, I'd move!

  2. Heheheheh. You had me worried for a second :D

  3. oh to be a fly on the wall when such things occur.... love the picture...

  4. Spider is always the first thing I see when I spy something out of the corner of my eye....and I am usually right, because I believe the spiders are out to get me. :D

