Monday, July 12, 2010


The convention went great! I had a blast, and hooked up with tons of old friends, and some new ones!

This is a shot of the bar in the evening, actually the lounge area before the bar.... the bar was too dark and crowded to get pictures

This robot was a pain!!! it moved, sang, danced, and was totally annoying!!!!

Grabbed this shot of the dealers room (one of them, there are 3) before it got to crowded to take pic's!

Some costumed lady's hanging out in the bar

Morticia with her very own drink.... yummmmmmy

And my friend Mike, relaxing in the bar, and torturing me with his cell phone that connects to facebook!!!! I was having major computer withdrawal pains!!!

All in all I had a good time. Got to see Kevin Sarbo close up and personal.... oh he is sooooooooo yummmmmmmmmy!!!!

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