Thursday, November 18, 2010


I just realized that I've been blogging for 6 years going on 7!!!!

How the F did that happen???

I don't remember doing it for that long!!!!


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    you know the old saying...Time flies when you're having fun (I love to blog and blog hop, too).

  2. Like Ms Lilypads said "Time flies when you're having fun" I enjoy your blog - I look forward to making it that long

  3. Six going on seven?! Wowza and Congratulations! If Halloween was still just around the corner, I would suggest you go dressed as the Energizer Bunny!

    Again, Best Wishes!
    Cellar Door

  4. Oh my goodness!! You have been blogging that long? I bow down to you. Lol! It's only been two for me ( I think three). Well that's how it happens. TIME FLIES! Lol! Congrats!
