Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I need an vote!!!!

I need a lady's vote!

I'm thinking of getting one of these for the next Star Trek Convention..... but what color should I get?????

Remember I have dark red hair, and blue eyes.... so Red or Blue????????

I GOT THE RED!!! mainly cause it was the only color in my size. I got the XL, and after I try it on I can get it altered. Got the boots, and stockings, need some kind of hair extension... cause I want the big hair they had on the show!


  1. I guess red would go better with your skin.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I know this will not be much help but I think you could pull either of them off.

  3. I think the blue would look good.

  4. You know what always happens to the person in the red shirt right?


    Sorry, had to say that.

    I agree, both would be great.

