Thursday, December 09, 2010

My newest project

I keep my supplies in a large trunk in my bedroom, great storage, but difficult to get at times.... because I keep my doll supplies on top of the trunk.

So, I needed somewhere I could get at the important things, like my cauldrons and herbs... fast.

I found this wood breadbox at the thrift store. 50 cents!!!! A bargain, but the light color wood would stand out on my black dresser... so changes had to be made...

I gave it a light sanding, and then 3 coats of black enamel paint... and there you go! sits on my dresser without standing out, holds all the supplies I use on a daily basis... PERFECT!

I still use the trunk for storage of the things I don't use as often, but now when I need something it's close at hand, and easy to get to.


  1. Well done. So now can you come over and help me organize my stuff? :D


  2. Hey, it looks very elegant!

  3. perfect! and it gives your owl and witch a nice lift as well. I love the owl.

  4. Looks great!

    I have a large oak chest which opens to the front and on which I have built my altar, but at the moment it mostly contains *stuff* instead of *witch stuff*, so I*ll still have to work on it... *sigh*.

    (No, I didn't forget your holiday card. Only I haven't got around to trimming the edges, and they still look so HANDMADE... *g*)

  5. Beautiful!!! It's such a beautiful piece. I absolutely love it.

  6. Anonymous12:17 PM

    What a find and a great use!
