Such a strange word.... but I'm doing it!!!
I haven't posted much in the last few days because I'm REVELING, being ALONE!!!
Quietly though, just walking around my nice quiet house, doing WHAT I want to do, WHEN I want to do it, and ANYWAY I want to do it!
rev·el (rvl)
intr.v. rev·eled also rev·elled, rev·el·ing also rev·el·ling, rev·els also rev·els
1. To take great pleasure or delight: She reveled in her unaccustomed leisure.
2. To engage in uproarious festivities; make merry.
A boisterous festivity or celebration; merrymaking. Often used in the plural.
[Middle English revelen, to carouse, from Old French reveler, to rebel, carouse, from Latin rebellre, to rebel; see rebel.]
revel·er, revel·ler n.
I actually called and took off to see a Dermatologist yesterday. (and I didn't have to call from my bathroom, or tell ANYONE where I was going!!!!) But I'm telling you guys.
I developed these things under my eyes this year. My Mom and Dad both had them. They are caused by high cholesterol, and they are UGLY! Yellow, chicken skin colored, blotch's under my eyes.
I know people who had them removed, so I called the doc, and off I went....
I found out I also had Roasia on my cheeks... had no clue, just thought they were spider veins... but I got a cream for that, and that and the appointment was covered with my insurance..... removing the yellow fat pockets isn't.... RATS!
But she told me I needed 3 treatments, at $150-$175 dollars each, and my consultation appointment isn't till March.... and income tax check should be here before that.... so I'm going for it.
Not that I'm really that vain, and I didn't even notice them.... till someone else did... and I figured "fuck it!!!" So I'll be a tiny bit vain and get rid of them. GIGGLE
Not that I'm real excited about having ACID brushed on my under eye area!!!! But, like I said, I know people who had it done, and they say it's worth it!
So, I'm gonna be vain for once in my life! OH OH OH, I can REVEL in it!!!!!
14 hours ago
Woohoo! Husband was out of the house the other night. It was great to turn the stereo up as loud as I wanted without him going "who/what the h$ll is that!"
I freaked the cats out...but, free room and board....they can handle a little Kate Bush at level 11 every now and again.
Sorry to hear about the eye thing....and I hear you about taking care of it....I would do the same.
Take care.
Oh I understand the yay for being husband has had 3 long, terribly long days off from work and has done nothing but annoy me...........tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow, it's only a day aaaaaaaaaaway.
I got the ickies on my cheeks too. Just use vitamin K cream on it and it sorta. The Olde Bagg
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