Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring alter

The seasons are changing, so I decided after putting up new curtains, that I needed to change my alter around a bit.

My old chalice has seen better days! Silver plate is good, but wine eventually pits it bad, so I replaced it with this glass one. I bought it years ago, but deemed it too pretty to use, and put it in the china cabinet. Now it's out, and I will use it in my next ceremony

Also in the china cabinet was this fantastic chunk of Amethyst that my daughter gave me. I just felt it wanted to be out... so I placed it on my alter also

And again, hidden in my china cabinet, was my good crystal ball. I just love the antique dragon holder!!!! He also came out for the summer. and now sits on my alter!!


  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Wow! What a magnificent Amethyst. What a power source.

  2. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I love your chalice, so pretty with with watery colors.
