Saturday, March 26, 2011


I never know if I get more excited about "Shore Leave Convention", because of the convention itself, or because it's in JULY!!!
Warm weather, Star Trek, cool hotel, all my buddies, indoor outdoor pool, giant hot tub!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh.
They have actually added another guest, not shown on this flyer, it's the woman who played Ashley on Sanctuary. So I'm cool!
John DeLance I've met a million times.... but I haven't met any of the others.
It's not like I'm going to get autographs... I don't do that.
But I will see the stars, in the hallways, at the bar, or just passing by the autograph tables.... and I'm cool with just seeing them.... since I gave up getting autographs like 20 yrs. ago!
Checked my section of the closet I call my "Shore Leave closet". I have 3 pretty tee shirts (Barb got them for me for Yule!) and a nice pair of Capri pants, and that's about it. I've lost so much weight that nothing I had before is wearable, but REALLY.... should I complain about that???
I don't think so, plus shopping is fun! LOL

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