Friday, April 29, 2011

Uhhh, am I naked????

I don't know about you guys, but I have a hard time adjusting to spring.... clothing wise.

I'm so used to bundling up, and covering up, that when spring hits .... I feel NAKED!

I want my jacket! And my sweaters!!! People are actually going to SEE what I look like!!!!

I just went out to the store in my tee-shirt and Capri's, and I felt WEIRD!!

I know I'll get over that naked feeling, hopefully soon.... but it's just crazy?

Do the rest of you guys get that same feeling in spring?

1 comment:

  1. For me it's the opposite... I feel as if I were suffocating under all those layers of clothing during the colder months... and as soon as the sun peeks through the clouds, I'm back to wearing T-shirts and skirts and stuff. (I hardly ever freeze, only get blue fingers and lips now and again...)
