Sunday, October 30, 2011

It missed us!!!!

First time in the last 2 years.....THE NOR'EASTER MISSED US!!!! WOW!!!!

Everyone else in New Jersey got socked with a major, record breaking, snow storm.

But the Jersey shore was SPARED!!!!

I mean, we have been getting slammed with Nor'easter's the last few years.... it's so nice to say that this time it LEFT US ALONE!!!

We did get a slight dusting for about an hour, before turning back to rain... but that's it!!!!!!


Of course, this is probably the 1st and ONLY time we will be spared, but it was nice!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Yeah, we just got a dusting here in Monmouth County. Littleman was so afraid we would get what my family got up in Morris County. He didn't want to have to trick or treat in snow boots. It would ruin his costume he says to me.
