Thursday, October 20, 2011


I've been having a bad allergic reaction on and off for weeks. Couldn't figure it out.... but I did notice that it would come and go.... and they only thing I could think I had on those days was an APPLE!!!

I didn't test pos for apple allergies.... so I did a little detective work.

I noticed on the bag it said the apples were coated with wax or shellac to preserve them...... OK, no problem there, but I hit google and checked it out

Halfway down the article I came to this:

"Alkyl naphthalene sulphonates may be used as spreading agents on waxy fruits."


Of course.... the thing I'm MOST allergic to!!!

Took a week to figure it out. That's why food allergy's are so FREAKING WEIRD!!!!

No problem, now the next time I eat an apple.... I'll make sure I picked it right off of the tree!!!!!


  1. I'm glad you don't have an actual apple allergy!

  2. Wow...great detective work on your part though! Food allergies are weird aren't they? And like Zedral Z said...glad it's not the apples themselves.
