Friday, December 02, 2011

Just because.....give a way!!!

No reason, except a friend bought me this.... thinking it was an ADULT XL.... and it turns out it was a CHILD'S XL!

I know I've lost lots of weight, but not that much! LOL

So, I'm giving it away..... if you have a kid you want it for, leave a comment.... that's all, no following, or posting, or any of the other stuff.... Just leave a comment.

I'll pick a winner... and you have it! LOL


  1. Eeeeks! You know I want it. For my niece, I promise. ^^

    (She is two. And just like me, the other relatives say. Much to her father's disapproval, she never stops talking!)

  2. Morganna would look so cute in this shirt :)

  3. Don't have any little witch's in training...wish I did...but wanted to tell you that I bought myself an orange witchy tee not too long ago thinking it was large wasn't...

  4. Oh what a cute shirt! I'd love a chance to win it.

  5. I saw a way to convert a t-shirt into a baby gown on Pinterest. I would love to upcycle that t-shirt into a baby gown for my granddaughter! If I don't win, can you tell me where your friend bought it so I can track one down?

  6. Here is the link for that project in case anyone else may be interested:
