Friday, May 25, 2012

Some of the better know names for The Lady Aphrodite: Greek - Goddess of love, consort of Adonis.

Aradia: Italian - Queen and teacher of the Witches.

Arianrhod: Welsh - Goddess of reincarnation.

Artemis: Greek & Roman - Goddess of the Moon, twin sister of Apollo.

Astarte: Greek - Goddess of fertility.

Athena: Greek - Warrior Goddess.

Bast: Egyptian - Goddess of cats.

Brigid/Brid/Brigit: Celtic - Goddess of fertility and inspiration.

Cerridwen: Welsh - Goddess of the Moon and of harvest.

Cybele: Greek - Goddess of natural caverns, worshipped on mountain tops.

Demeter: Greek - Goddess of the fruitfulness of the Earth.

Diana: Roman - Moon Goddess and Goddess of the hunt.

Dryads, The: Greek - Female tree spirits.

Flora: Roman - Goddess of springtime.

Fortuna: Roman - Goddess of fate.

Freya: Scandinavian - Moon Goddess. Consort of Odin and Chief of The Valkyries.

Hathor: Egyptian - Sky Goddess, Protector of women.

Hecate: Greek - Moon Goddess, Goddess of the underworld, and Goddess of Magick.

Hera: Greek - Goddess of marriage. Consort of Zeus.

Hestia: Greek - Goddess of hearth and home.

Inanna: Sumerian - Queen of Heaven.

Isis: Egyptian - The triple Goddess (Maid, Mother, Crone).

Kali: Hindu - Goddess of destruction and creation. Often called Kali-Ma ("the Back Mother"). Consort of Shiva.

Ma'at/Mayet: Egyptian - Goddess of justice, truth and the law.

Morhan: Celtic - Goddess of Water and Magick.

Muses, The: Greek - Goddesses of inspiration and memory.

Nephthys: Egyptian - Goddess of Midwives.

Norns, The: Celtic - Guardians of the sacred tree Yggdrasil.

Nut: Egyptian - Sky Goddess.

Persephone: Greek - Goddess of the underworld.

Selene: Greek - Goddess of the Moon,

Valkyries, The: Scandinavian - Women warriors who brought the souls of those slain in Valhala.

Venus: Roman - Goddess of love.

Vesta: Roman - Goddess of fire, both domestic and ritual.

1 comment:

  1. this blog has very nice information but of all, i like the Roman Goddess of love and hope with i can cast all love spells as i want
