Sunday, August 26, 2012


Traditional Brew

1 gallon apple cider

1 apple sliced

1 orange sliced

1 cup dried rose pettels

3 sticks cinnimon

3 slices fresh ginger

1 heaping teaspoon nutmeg

1In a large pot pour the cider and add the next five ingereants. Bring to a slow simmer.

Simmer for five minutes.
Stir in nutmeg.
let simmer two hours. stiring every 15 to 20 munutes. apples will get soft and start to fall appart so make sure to stir the stuff that settles to the bottom of the pan.

ALERGY NOTE: If you will be serving somone with an alergy to cinnimon then omit cinnimon and replace with 7 or 8 cloves tied in cheese cloth.

Whoopie Witch's Brew

1bottle sparkling wine
1 gal orange juice 1

2 gal sherbet (orange) sugar (optional)
2 liters lemon lime beverage (carbonated)
2 cups vodka 

1 Combine Champagne and orange juice in large punch bowl.

2 Scoop sherbet into bowl.

3 Add sugar to taste if desired.

4 Float peeled grapes in mixture, and garnish bowl with the rest of the grapes.

5 You can add more or less vodka depending on your preferences, or leave it out completely.

Spicy Hot Brew

4 cups water

2 cups sugar
2 tbsps ginger (minced)
12 whole whole cloves
4 cinnamon sticks
4 allspice berries
2 qts apple cider
3 cups orange juice
2 cups lemon juice
rum (optional or bourbon optional)

1 In a heavy saucepan stir water and sugar together.

2 Stir in ginger, cloves, cinnamon and allspice and bring mixture to a boil, stirring until sugar dissolves.

3 Reduce heat and simmer 20 minutes.

4 Strain syrup and return to pan (or put in crockpot) and add cider, orange and lemon juice and then bring mixture to a simmer (or put crockpot on low for a few hours).

5 Stir in rum or bourbon if desired.  Serve hot!

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