Sunday, November 11, 2012


Sacred Salt

On our altars we place the bowl, shell, dish, even bare crystals describing the pentagram, salt. We charge it as a creature of Earth and combine it with charged water to cleanse and consecrate our circles. We embed our crystals in it to cleanse and charge them.

We symbolize and honor Earth with it. We discuss the use of sea salt over table salt as if there were some difference that matters to magic. We speak of it as “grounding.”
Since before written history, salt has held an equally significant place in the workings of the temple. The drawn square is an ancient symbol of salt, possibly from Sumaria or Egypt. It stands for land, ground, or Earth. Being found in flats of crystal deposited upon the land, and being basic to survival, it stands to reason human beings would consider it as important as the ground upon which they stood, and the land to which they looked for sustenance.

In many a record of temple activities all over the world, are mentioned the places and uses of salt. It was used to cleanse, preserve, and assist in the sanctification of articles, including sacrifices. As salt was considered very valuable by many peoples, even to being used as currency, it was also made as a sacrifice in its own right. No doubt, in a temple in which sacrificial meat was preserved, salt would have been considered a greater gift than gold in many cases. Salt, being toxic to bacteria, molds, and yeasts, all too small for the human eye to detect, was thought to chase away the evil, or spirits that ruined meat. It wasn’t a far stretch for peoples that observed this to believe salt scared away evil spirits anywhere.

Salt is associated with luck, as well. A windfall of wealth is bound to cause a person to feel lucky, and a salt find (more valuable than precious metals in some cases,) would be that windfall. By the same token, spilled salt was considered a harbinger of ill luck. The response for spilling salt was to sacrifice salt. Perhaps, thus was born the superstition one should toss salt over one’s left shoulder. Another possible origin was the habit of tossing salt behind one in order to stop evil spirits from following, such as in the progress away from a grave.
We use it to cleanse our crystals after healing use, and to cleanse them 4 times a year to remove any bad vibes or auras that they may have collected. We also lay a line of salt around our house, to protect and prevent any evil from entering

It's also great to pour into a cleansing bath... salt will remove any bad influence from our aura's, and when taking a shower and used as a scrub it does the same thing.

An application of salt water after washing your hair will bring out the curls and waves that you associate with a day at the beach. Also used with hot water, to soak an infected area of the body to pull the infection out of the wound so that it can be cleaned!

It's also a quick first aid when you not near enough to get to supplies.. salt poured on a wound will prevent infection till you can get home and clean it better... it will smart, but it's worth it!

What other things do YOU use it for?

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