Monday, December 24, 2012

Homemade Lavender Oil

Homemade Lavender Oil
If you want to know how to make lavender essential oil commercially, then you should know that companies use the steam distillation process for the same. This process is a type of distillation process used for natural aromatic materials, wherein steam or water is added to the aromatic compounds, so that their boiling points is depressed and they are allowed to evaporate at lower temperatures, because such compounds tend to decompose at high temperatures. However, the process of making lavender oil is fairly easy, wherein you just have to let the lavender herb soak in a carrier oil and then strain it. You can grow lavender from seed, and use it whenever you want to make lavender oil. Here are the things you require and the stepwise instructions you should follow.

Things you will need:

One big bottle of carrier oil
Bunch of lavender flowers
A small glass jar
Rubber band
Plastic cling film

Step #1: The process of how to make lavender essential oil from dried lavender plant is also possible, in case you don't have fresh lavender flowers. Take the twigs of lavender and run your fingers along the stem, to take out the flowers. Collect enough lavender flowers in this way, and then fill them up in the jar.

Step #2: Now take a carrier oil in a saucepan. The quantity of the oil should be enough to fill the glass jar. Slightly warm this oil, and then pour it slowly in the jar, till it has nicely covered the jar. There are many choice of carrier oils. The most suitable is olive oil, as it can be used for skin care and massages too. My favorite choice is jojoba oil, as it a non-greasy oil which gets soaked by the skin easily. But jojoba oil is not a preferred massage oil, as it doesn't have the slippery effect. Another good choice for carrier oil is almond oil, as it is good for skin care and has a high amount of vitamin E in it.

Step #3: Take a piece of cling film, and wrap it around the opening of the jar. Secure the plastic cling film using a rubber band.

Step #4: Let this essential oil mixture steep for a month. Keep shaking the bottle lightly everyday, to let all the ingredients mix well. Store the bottle in a cool and dark place.

Step #5: After a month's period, take out the jar and strain the mixture and use a spoon to press the lavender flowers, to completely separate the precious oil from the flowers.

Step #6: Pour this oil in an amber colored glass bottle, and close it using a cap. There, you have it; your own homemade lavender oil.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab all the things you need, and use the above steps on making lavender oil, and enjoy all the benefits and uses of this aromatic oil!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Thank You for this recipe. I want to try making my own face cream but essential oils available in stores are ridiculously expensive. Greetings from Poland. Agata
