Thursday, December 06, 2012

Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano has many health benefits. It can reduce pain and inflammation and can fight off infection. It also can boost the immune system. It has been used to reduce the symptoms and duration of the cold and flu, help relieve digestive problems, and provide relief for muscle aches and pains.

Uses for Oil of Oregano:

Sinus Congestion, Colds and Sore Throats, and Digestive Problems-Add a couple drops to a glass of water or juice and drink. For sinus congestion you can also rub some diluted oil or oregano directly on your sinuses for relief.
Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Aches and Pains-Massage into affected area to relieve pain and inflammation. Dilute with olive oil and always test on a small area first.

Make Oil of Oregano:

If you have some fresh oregano on hand, you can make your own oil of oregano. You will need a 1:1 ratio of oregano to oil, or you can use more oregano to make a stronger batch. I used 1/2 a cup oregano and 1/2 a cup olive oil.
1. Wash and dry your oregano.
2. Place the oregano leaves in a plastic zip lock bag (don’t close) and cover the bag with a kitchen towel.
3. Pound on the bag with a meat mallet or something similar. This will release the oils.
4. Heat up some olive oil or grape seed oil until warm. Do not boil.
5. Add the oil in to the bag with the oregano and squeeze the mixture for a minute or two.
6. Now pour the mixture into a clean class jar and place somewhere cool and dry for 2 weeks.
7. After 2 weeks, strain the oregano from the oil.

As always, please do your own research and use caution when trying new herbal remedies. Oil of oregano should not be used when pregnant.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Judith. I have been using Oil of Oregano for years now. I would recommend to take for no longer than 2 weeks and don't forget to take a pro-biotic :)
