Wednesday, January 30, 2013

vinegar and water

I use white vinegar for a lot of things around the house.  Since it seems, that most cleaning products you can buy ... give me an allergy attack. So I remembered my Mom using it, and decided to try it!  I WILL NEVER GO BACK TO CHEMICALS!!!  It works fantastic!!!

Here are some things to use it for

1. washing windows.... fantastic grease cutter, just put in a spray bottle, and add equal amounts of water.

2.Gets rid of old wall paper! Using a sponge or spray bottle, saturate wallpaper with a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Let stand for several minutes, then start scraping. The paper should come off easily.

3. Soak gonked-up nylon brushes in hot vinegar for up to 30 minutes to remove paint and soften the bristles. Afterward, wash them in hot, soapy water, brushing off paint as needed, then rinse and let dry—good as new.

4. Testing your soil BEFORE planting.  Place a handful of dirt into a small container and sprinkle vinegar on it. If it fizzes, the soil is alkaline; adjust the pH with an acid amendment.

5.Us it to clean you shower heads from mineral build up  Pour ½ cup of warm vinegar into a resealable plastic bag. Drop in the shower head, making sure the holes are submerged, and seal the bag. Let sit for 1 hour. Rinse and wipe clean, then reattach. Plus run a cup of it mixed with water through your coffee maker, empty, and run water through... cleans up all that gunk that makes the machine slower

6. Before painting galvanized metal or concrete, wipe down the object or surface with vinegar, using a sponge or lint-free cloth. This little trick will help your paint job last longer. Also, use it to wipe down your kitchen cabinets, before painting them.  grease just goes away!

7.Dab vinegar onto stubborn price tags and stickers affixed to glass, plastic, or wood. Scrape the surface clean, then rub the area with more vinegar to remove any sticky residue.

8. On wood surfaces or furniture, use a mix of equal parts vinegar and water to remove buildup, wiping with the grain of the wood. For leather furniture, make a weaker solution—2 parts water to 1 part vinegar—and rub the material using a circular motion.

9. For stubborn stains on ceramic-tile surfaces, scrub grout with a stiff-bristled toothbrush dipped in vinegar and watch it whiten before your eyes.

CAUTION: Vinegar can harm marble and other natural stone surfaces, so avoid using on these materials. Test a small, unobtrusive area first if you want to be extra careful

10. Soak old tools and corroded nuts and bolts in vinegar for a few days. Rinse them with water and watch rust and scale disappear.

11. Protect your hands!  Caustic ingredients in concrete, drywall, and other building materials can cause painful skin irritation. If you handle them often, rinse your hands with a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water before washing up—the acid neutralizes their alkaline content.

12. Clean you oven.  Just spray white vinegar into all those stains and gunk in you oven, let sit, and then wipe all that stuff away!

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