Friday, February 08, 2013

New Year, new give-a-way!!!!

Your going to LOVE THIS!!!!  Super heavy, pure Crystal Perfume bottle!!! 

Shines like a million diamonds... soooo pretty!!!!!!

To enter, you can do a few things.... the more things you do the more of a chance you have to win this beauty!!!

1. Leave comment here telling me if you like this give a way

2. Copy picture and give a way information on your blog

3. Post to your facebook account

Winner will be chosen at the end of the month!!!!!


  1. Dearest Judith....I am like the crow in Secret of NIMH, sparkleeeeees.
    I would love to be entered to win.
    And off I go to post this beauty on facebook and then to Olde Baggs, Oma Linda

  2. I'm here from Oma's. Give her an extra entry instead of me.

  3. Are you nuts!?! LOL It's beautiful! Defiantly count me in!!!

  4. I posted it on my FB page =)

  5. I am here from Oma Linda's blog ;o) Please, if you can, give my entry to her ;o) She's a special lady and I know she would love this beautiful prize ;o)

  6. My goodness but we DO seem to love our Oma Linda!!! If I am lucky enough to win this Gorgeous bottle, please send it directly to Oma Linda! Thank-you so very much!

  7. Do I like this giveaway? I have never seen a sparkly thing that I don't love. If I were a moth, I wouldn't make it through the night. I would be the first one flying to the light, half-drunk on sparkles ;-)

  8. P. S. I LOVE that "Embalming Self Thought" image on your sidebar. The look on her face is priceless!

  9. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Oh this is so gorgeous! I would love to be considered for this beauty. Thank you so much. xoxoxo Mina

  10. Such a pretty 'sparkly' diamond of a perfume bottle! So generous! :0)
    Please throw my name into the drawing. :0)
