Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Bast - The Mistress of Oracles

One of the most commonly known of the Egyptian Goddesses, Bastet is one of the Goddesses of healing and divination. As the Lady of the Casket Bast acts as a Death Goddess - one of those who strides upon the battlefield with claws drawn and who burns the bodies of those who fail Ma'at's final test of virtue. She is the Matron of Magick and all dances - from that of war to that of life.

The domains of Bastet include sex (both homosexual and heterosexual) and fertility, marriage (between men and women and women and women) and childbirth, healing and prosperity, dancing and joy, magic and music, protection and warfare. All the pleasures and horrors of life are seen by her ever watchful eye. She has the ability to give and to take - to create beauty and to destroy it through all consuming flame. She is the creator and the destroyer of pleasure.

A wife and daughter of Ra, Bastet represented the power of a woman's sex: the center of pleasure and creation. She was regal and obscene, but mysterious and revered.


Catmint - better known as catnip - is (unsurprisingly) sacred to this feline deity, alongside valerian, cinnamon, vervain and cannabis. When it comes to oils and incense cassia and catnip oil may be used alongside animal fats from birds in anointing candles to this cat Goddess.


Again unsurprisingly, the Tiger's Eye and Cat's eyes stones are sacred to Bastet, but Alabaster - that pure white stone used by artists to carve sacred images - is also sacred to this Goddess. Her devotees may keep alabaster lionesses upon their altars or wear alabaster cartouches bearing her signature upon it.

Animals and Bastet

Cats - any cat, big or small. Cats are sacred to this goddess. Known as her servants, these graceful, sleek, loudly sexual beings encompass many of Bast's own traits and aiding feral and domestic cats is the best way to show Bast of your devotion.

Building an Altar to Bastet

Green and blue altar cloths are the best way to begin with building this altar along with symbols of the sun and moon. Cats, sacred jewels, and images of her being are all appropriate to add - but also remember to include bottles or bowls of incense, creams and perfumes. Sistrums (an ancient type of instrument) and rattles may be placed upon or played before the altar in worship of her sacred godhood, as well as candles of red, green, yellow and blue each representing the various aspects of Her being. Aegis Gorgets, ankhs and baskets may also be added to increase her presence on your life and Her power.

The Feast of Drunkenness

The feast of Bast took place during the festival of what is now known as Samhain - during this time boats of women and men would wander up and down the delta river, and local women would gather at the shoreline, dancing and screaming obscene things back and forth to one another while singing and performing what is known as the Anasuromai - a ritual dance consisting of raising one's skirts to expose one's naughty bits. It was said that in this dance one could find healing from grief and once again embrace life and laughter...I think we can guess what they were all smoking. It was said that this holy day (celebrated by adults - for children were not allowed in....) that sometimes over 700,000 people would arrive in Bastet's holy city of Bubastis where this festival of drunken revelry took place.

Prayer to Bastet

Beloved Bastet, mistress of happiness and bounty, twin of the Sun God, slay the evil that afflicts our minds as you slay the serpent Apep.

With your graceful stealth anticipate the moves of all who perpetrate cruelties and stay their hands against the children of light.

Grant us the joy of song and dance, and ever watch over us in the lonely places in which we must walk...

Blessed be, and may the Mistress of Magic guide your path. Holy Ubasti, bless us all.

1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting. I had read of Bast before but never the detail that you have included here. Thanks, I really enjoyed this.
    I hope you have a lovely week filled with unexpected joyous moments. Oma Linda
