Saturday, December 21, 2013

Candle Magic

1) Stick the sewing needle threaded with some twine, (do not knot) into the side of the candle approximately 1/2 from the top of the candle. Light the candle. When the needle falls out, you can work the spell.

2) Hold the needle tightly between both hands and repeat these words aloud:

Where you come from, I care not
Where you go, best you be gone
Leave me now and let it be
The bond is cut, so by this done

3)With the scissors or knife, cut the twine in half. Lay the pieces in the pan.

4)Take your candle and drip wax over the ends of the twine that you just cut to seal those ends

5) Extinguish the candle.

6) Next, take your sewing needle and piercing both pieces of twine, pin them together

7)Keep the twine pinned and put it in a secure place in the room where you sleep.

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