Friday, April 04, 2014

Making a special Perfume for a special day!

I needed a special perfume for a special day.  And I much prefer making my own... since that way I control what I smell like... and no one else will ever smell the same as me!
Start with a jar that has been sterilized and then soaked in Salt water to cleanse it.
Add a nice Salt cleaned crystal
This is Ultra sound gel, I use it because it's a pretty color, and is also water soluble, but it lasts a long time if your giving a massage to someone with it... and you don't have to shower it off later

filled the jar with the gel, and now all that's left is to add the Essential Oils in the proportions you prefer.... remember.... less is best, some people are sensitive to essential oils, but since this is for me I'm fine with it.  I'm not telling you what it smells like yet.... because I have to meditate on what I want myself to smell like for this special perfume!!!

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