Wednesday, July 09, 2014


I finally broke my code of silence and told everyone on both my Facebook pages... and here too... that I'm on Twitter!

folks... I'm on Twitter   @witchbythesea    come and join me!


  1. I'm so glad you posted it here!!! I saw it on FB but I was on my phone and by the time I was on my computer I'd completely forgotten - like at least half of the things I want to do on it when I get one it lol

  2. No shit!!! We already follow each other on twitter lol Guess I should actually use it huh?

  3. Anonymous4:08 PM

    This is one of the strangest ways I have found a fellow blogger...

    This afternoon I was trying on bathing suits. The experience was so horrifying that I just had to come home and blog about it! When Googling pictures I saw a picture of a pig in a bathing suit so I clicked on it and came to your blog. I have to say that the picture of the pig looks better than I do but whatever...

    I also read Can We Have a New Witch Ours Melted and
    Green Witch with Sprinkles so I would have found you eventually!
