Monday, September 01, 2014

For good wish's for the winter

Time to start getting ready for winter!!!  Here is something you can do to make sure your winter is a good one!

This is best done in the fireplace, or at the end of summer in the outside fire pit... but you can use your cauldron too, if you like.

Light a fire in the evening... and as the fire is burning down

Take 12 twigs (Ash or Rowan, or willow)

Tie them together with thread that's yellow or red.

Cast them into the fire.

Think about the silence, the coming of a mild winter, the preparation of your food for the coming winter... the silence of snow, and the calmness of the winter sky. Add your fondest wish for the coming winter....

Do not look away till the twigs are burnt and gone.... and your wishing will come true

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. I have been thinking about the coming winter...
