Monday, February 02, 2015

Bay Leaf

Bay Leaf: Sacred to the god Apollo. Used for protection, good fortune, success, purification, strength, healing and divination. It is traditional to write wishes on the leaves and then burn them to make them come true. Also used in charms when placed under the pillow will induce prophetic dreams. Place a leaf in the corner of each room in the house to protect all that dwell there. Carry bay leaf for protection charm to protect yourself against magical attack 

Bay Leaf can be used to increase psychic awareness. Sleeping w/ Bay Leaves under your pillow can cause prophetic dreams. Burning it as incense can promote visions. Write a wish/question on your bay leaf & then burn it, conveying it to the spirit realm. If the leaf crackles & burns brightly then the outcome will be positive. If leaf refuses to burn or smokes, then the outcome is negative. Carry bay leaves to ward off evil. 

 Bay Leaf: The incense and the leaf are said to produce a prophetic trance. Burn for psychic powers, purification, wish magic, exorcism, healing/health, protection, divination, visions, clairvoyance, energy, power, strength, inspiration, wisdom, meditation, defense, creative word. Put leaves under your pillow to give inspiration and visions. An herb of the sun, bay brings the light of summer into the darkest time of the year. Carry the leaf or place in the home to ward off illness and hexes.


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