Monday, June 25, 2007


Cut up water melon that had spent the day soaking up VODKA!!!! Cool and refreshing with a PUNCH! YUMMMMMY
Merlin trying to steal a cheese doodle! BAD BOY!

Playing a cool card game called "Lunch Money" were each player is a little Catholic School girl on the playground.....beating the shit out of each other!!!!! Last one standing with some blood left in their vains wins!

Booze Snooze!!!!

Sea Food Feast. Beer, crabs, clams..... YUMMMMMMY Also sausage and meatball sandwitches and hot dogs and hambergers.

Steph on the pier. She had a seagull madly in love with her!!!!

First batch of crabbies!!!!

I had a BLAST this weekend. My party went over pretty good. Seems everyone had a good time, and we had tons of food!

Steph and I went crabbing and caught about 2 dozen big ones!!!! That along with some clams was a regular feast! Tons of beer, and other super drinks. Then we treked to the boardwalk in the evening, and walked and ate, and shopped, and had some fun!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:54 PM

    It was AWESOME!! We've got to do it again real soon. Last of the crabs didn't make it through the night. Thanks for being such a super hostess!
