Wednesday, June 27, 2007

New hand ring

I got a new ring while walking the boardwalk this weekend...... I guess I should be happy with that, because Ty got something pierced, and I stopped myself from joining him. GIGGLE

It's pretty cool, it's a coil, and a LOT BIGGER then my old rings, so it took me more then 3 days to slowly work it into my hand. Not a lot of pain, but major stretching!

The front part of the coil that goes into the hand is rippled, so that caused a tiny bit of trouble, but I managed. Now in a few days, when I'm totally stretched, I can put it in further. At least this one won't fall out like my others! GIGGLE

I'm still contemplating getting my eyebrow pierced....... haven't decided yet, but it's coming I know, but at least I gave up the idea I had before, and it's not going to be my lip!
And, Yes, you might have noticed my fingernails are dark..... don't ask me..... maybe I'm going Goth. GIGGLE

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    WOW! Now that looks cooler than I could have imagined! You really have an eye for sparkly things!
