Saturday, December 29, 2012

Crystal candle holders!

Regular candle holders, mod podge, epsom salt. Dry. Repeat. Magical...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Zucchini Boats

Zucchini Boats

Just cut a zucchini in half lengthwise and trim a little off the bottom so it sit still in a baking dish

Scoop out the center where the seeds are with a spoon

Brush the surface with a mixture of crushed garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper

Arrange halved grape tomatoes into the grooves, sprinkle with bread crumbs and bake in a 350 degree oven for about 30 minutes

Remove and place diced fontina or mozzarella in between the tomatoes, place them back in, but now under the broiler til golden and bubbling

Remove and drizzle with olive oil and a sprinkling of grated Parmesan. You will love this as a side dish!

Quinoa Tabbouleh

2 cups water
1 cup quinoa, rinsed and drained
2-1/4 teaspoons kosher salt, plus more for seasoning
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 cups dry-farmed early girl tomatoes, diced
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and medium-diced
1 cup scallions (about 1 bunch), green and white parts diced
1 cup fresh Italian parsley, chopped
  1. Place quinoa in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring frequently until grain turns deeper in color, about three minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, in a separate saucepan, bring water to a boil. Add quinoa and a 1/4 teaspoon salt. Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and fluff with a fork.
  3. Combine olive oil, 2 teaspoons salt, lemon juice, tomatoes, cucumber, green onions, and parsley. Stir in cooled quinoa. Season again to taste with more salt as well as pepper. Serve immediately or refrigerate to let flavors further meld.

Monday, December 24, 2012

First aid natural salve

  • 1/2 cup coconut oil ( it’s anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, & a great moisturizer – read more)
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (full of vitamins & a great moisturizer)
  • 1/4 cup dried comfrey (a herb for healing woulds)
  • 1/4 cup dried calendula (a herb for healing woulds & skin irritations )
  • 2oz beeswax (equals out to 2 of the 1oz bars or 4 tablespoons)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (natural moisturizer with anti-microbial properties)
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil (anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, & analgesic ) 
  • In a medium saucepan – combine the coconut oil, olive oil, comfrey, & calendula. 
  • Cook on medium heat for about 20-30 minutes, stirring often. 
  • Strain the mixture using a cheesecloth or coffee filter. 
  •  Toss the herbs & wipe out any remaining herbs from your saucepan.  Add the strained oil back to your pot, turn the heat to low.  Stir in the honey at this point until mixed thoroughly.  
  •  Note, having the honey mix in evenly can be somewhat tedious, but keep it up, it's worth it!
  •  Next is to add the beeswax.  If you’re using bars, cut into slices before adding as I did.  Stir until completely melted.

Stir in the essential oil.  Once combined, remove from the heat.
You’ll want to work quickly now as the salve starts to set up rather fast.  Pour into the glass or tin container(s) of your choice.  I like to use wide mouth 8oz mason jars.

Stir it occasionally while it cools to ensure that everything settles properly, especially the honey.
Once it sets up, you’re all done.  Each batch makes 16 ounces.

Homemade Lavender Oil

Homemade Lavender Oil
If you want to know how to make lavender essential oil commercially, then you should know that companies use the steam distillation process for the same. This process is a type of distillation process used for natural aromatic materials, wherein steam or water is added to the aromatic compounds, so that their boiling points is depressed and they are allowed to evaporate at lower temperatures, because such compounds tend to decompose at high temperatures. However, the process of making lavender oil is fairly easy, wherein you just have to let the lavender herb soak in a carrier oil and then strain it. You can grow lavender from seed, and use it whenever you want to make lavender oil. Here are the things you require and the stepwise instructions you should follow.

Things you will need:

One big bottle of carrier oil
Bunch of lavender flowers
A small glass jar
Rubber band
Plastic cling film

Step #1: The process of how to make lavender essential oil from dried lavender plant is also possible, in case you don't have fresh lavender flowers. Take the twigs of lavender and run your fingers along the stem, to take out the flowers. Collect enough lavender flowers in this way, and then fill them up in the jar.

Step #2: Now take a carrier oil in a saucepan. The quantity of the oil should be enough to fill the glass jar. Slightly warm this oil, and then pour it slowly in the jar, till it has nicely covered the jar. There are many choice of carrier oils. The most suitable is olive oil, as it can be used for skin care and massages too. My favorite choice is jojoba oil, as it a non-greasy oil which gets soaked by the skin easily. But jojoba oil is not a preferred massage oil, as it doesn't have the slippery effect. Another good choice for carrier oil is almond oil, as it is good for skin care and has a high amount of vitamin E in it.

Step #3: Take a piece of cling film, and wrap it around the opening of the jar. Secure the plastic cling film using a rubber band.

Step #4: Let this essential oil mixture steep for a month. Keep shaking the bottle lightly everyday, to let all the ingredients mix well. Store the bottle in a cool and dark place.

Step #5: After a month's period, take out the jar and strain the mixture and use a spoon to press the lavender flowers, to completely separate the precious oil from the flowers.

Step #6: Pour this oil in an amber colored glass bottle, and close it using a cap. There, you have it; your own homemade lavender oil.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab all the things you need, and use the above steps on making lavender oil, and enjoy all the benefits and uses of this aromatic oil!

Murphy's Law for Witches

Murphy’s Law For Witches

No spell is as easy as it looks.

If you perceive that there are four possible ways in which a spell can go wrong, and circumvent these, then a fifth way will promptly develop.

Every spell performed to solve a problem will breed new problems.

Mother Nature is sometimes a bitch.

Anything that can go wrong will go wrong; and anything that cannot possibly go wrong will also go wrong.

No matter what the result of a spell, there will always be someone eager to:
(a) misinterpret it.
(b) fake it.
(c) believe that it happened as a result of his own work.

Once a Ritual is fouled up, anything done to improve it only makes it worse.

Everyone has a favorite ritual or spell that will not work.

As soon as you mention something …
if it’s good, it goes away;
if it’s bad it happens.

If a spell requires ‘x amount’ of materials, then immediately before beginning, you will discover that you only possess ‘x amount-1′ materials.

In any formula, it will be discovered that the required amounts have been forgotten.

No books are lost by lending except those you particularly want to keep.

If you miss an issue of a newsletter, it will be the issue that concludes
the article or ritual that you are most anxious to read.

When your familiar has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom.

If you drop your Athame during a rite, you will discover that you are no longer able to move your right foot.

The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it’s stranger than we can imagine.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.

For every vision of the Goddess, there is an equal and opposite vision
that negates your own vision.

If you are early to a meeting, it will be Canceled … if you are on time, it will be late. If you are late, it will have started early.

The more complicated and grandiose the ritual, the greater the chance that it will fail.

The more carefully you plan a ritual, the more you will resist admitting that it failed.

When a lazy witch gets into trouble due to his ignoring the facts, he will imagine that his failures are caused by another’s curse.

The best and most effective rituals occur when you are home with the flu.

You always hear about the need for a ritual or spell after that need ends.

When all else fails, consult your Book of Shadows.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

reuse, reuse

Another great idea for all those used jars I collect....I never thought of painting them!!!  Wouldn't my home grown herbs look great in these!!!!

Making a list of painting supplies for my next trip to the craft store!  Much better then the jars I have that say..... mustard, olives, etc.!!!

7 Up Bicuits!

Cut sour cream into your Bisquick mix, then add 7up - it will make a soft dough. Now sprinkle your counter with a little Bisquick mix then add dough and pat it out. Melt butter and pour it into a 9" square baking pan. Cut your biscuits up and arrange them in pan on top of melted butter. Bake 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fortelling the future or am I nuts

Foretelling the future can be tricky.  I can't do it, at least I don't think I can.  But, I had something, that started happening to me when I was 5 years old.

Now everyone says it's because I read Science Fiction...

 but sweetie, the only thing I was reading at the age was Dick and Jane, and we didn't have a TV yet, so we can't blame it on that either.

And this wasn't just a one time dream, but one I had for years and years.

It started out with me at the East Brunswick High School. ....(oh, should I mention that I was 5 years old, and the East Brunswick High School didn't get built till I was like 15! and yepper, super shock when I started high school, and realized that it was the school I dreamed about!!!!)

I'm walking around the halls, it's PACKED with people.  Adults, children (some crying, some laughing), family's.  I was asking them why they were all here, and most of them were so HAPPY!!! Excited and happy and they kept pointing to the football field out side.  I went out there and there was a HUGE silver spaceship.  There were flags flapping in the breeze, everyone was happy and slowly going on to the ship... and I was happy too.

I had this dream every week for about 5 years... then I stopped having it... and mainly forgot about it.... till I was in high school, and remembered the building... then one evening I heard the song..... After the Gold Rush.... the last lines:

"Well, I dreamed I saw the silver
Space ships flying
In the yellow haze of the sun,
There were children crying
And colors flying
All around the chosen ones.
All in a dream, all in a dream
The loading had begun.
They were flying Mother Nature's
Silver seed to a new home in the sun.
Flying Mother Nature's
Silver seed to a new home." 

Needless to say I passed out!  How could I explain this to people, so I just never did.  Foretelling the future, or just a weird re-occurring dream?  What do you think?

And I really hate to mention this, but last year they were going on about a Russian rocked that misfired... everyone saw a spiral of fire in the sky, and it was explained that the missile had misfired and was going in circles.

I also had a dream that I was riding my bike, going home, and the sky was FULL of those spirals of fire!!!  I knew something was wrong and I had to get home, but I wasn't upset or scared, I had talked to an old man, (at least I think it was a man) and he told me it was nothing, just a cleanup of bad things that would lead to the good.  

Didn't understand it cause I had no clue what the spirals were, and it wasn't till 30 years later I saw the picture of the Russian missile flop, that I realized that they were missiles over us that had misfired and were twirling around and around in the night sky.

Again, foretelling the future, or just weird dreams..... but considering how young I was when I had them... before TV ... or Reading Sci-fi.who knows. I do know that the dreams were the reason I started reading Science fiction.... and I'm happy for that!

Reuse, reuse, reuse

Cover popcorn tins with tissue paper using mod podge. Paint lid with chalkboard paint. Makes super cute storage bins!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bayberry Candle Ritual

My Mom always believed in this ritual, and she was NOT a witch.... but it funny how she picked up on a lot of the ideas.

On Yule Eve, and  New Years eve, light a bayberry candle

 On Yuletide Eve burn it down to the end. A bayberry candle burned down to the socket, Brings luck to the home and wealth to the pocket! ~ Author unknown

Yule Spell

This simple Yule spell celebrates the return of the sun and summons energy to support your hopes and plans for the year to come.
  1. Light many candles, preferably green and gold, or if you do not have them available use simple white candles, on your Alter. Gold candles represent the returning sun, while green candles represent fertility and abundance.
  2. Light some yule insence, containing your choice of cloves, frankincense, dried juniper berries and crushed pine needles.
  3. Quiet your mind with meditation by concentrating on the in-breath and out-breath for a few minutes, while breathing naturally.
  4. Hold your chalice containing wine, or herbal tea including the solstice herb thyme. 
  5.  Visualize energy passing from your hands into the contents of the chalice.
  6. Begin to visualize your hopes and visions for the coming year clearly in your mind’s eye. This visualization should be a real as possible. For many people images are easiest, while others may use emotions, sounds, smells or actions to help the desired outcome to become as real as possible. Imagine it all happening now, at the present time.
  7. Using natural and sincere language, express what you hope will happen, either out loud, or slowly but clearly in your mind only.
  8. Drink from your chalice, the energy of your visualization work will be concentrated in it and will begin the process of manifestation that will help to realize your dreams.
  9. Spend a few further moments in mediation, then extinguish the incense, and then the candles.

Stacked pots!!!!

This is a nice winter project!!!!  Most garden centers have their pots out all year long, so go pick up a few, then you can spread them out in the house and do some creative painting!!!

These are all blue, and kinda boring.  I would go with some bright colors or holiday themes!  But that's the good thing about winter projects.... you can play around all you like, there's plenty of time before summer!!!!

The bird bath on top is just perfect!!!!!  I can just see my mockingbird splashing around, having a nice bath... and at the same time watering the flowers below!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Mmmmmm Fire Pit!

See how easy!!!!  Now you don't have to use the fancy bricks in the picture.

You can use just regular or recycled bricks too.  Or stone, if you like...... Look around your yard and see what you have available to use.

But don't forget the first step!!!!  You need to remove all the grass, and roots that my be there, before you put down the sand.

Just use play sand that you can get at the hardware store for the bottom. They have bags of play sand in the summer, it's pretty cheap too and makes a nice area to burn wood on.

Make it higher or lower, just how you like it. (dog is just an accessory, and not part of the plan for building your fire pit! LOL)

If you want to be able to cook on it, check out your local hardware store, BEFORE, you build ...... check for replacement grill racks for bar-b-q's. 

I know most stores have them... and just build you fire pit to hold  the rack you pick....

and it's so easy to make it removable!!!! 

Just place some nice thick nails, facing in to the pit, between the rocks  in your last row!!!!!

You can rest the rack on them, and bingo, hamburgers! That way  the rack can be removed for just a regular fires!

Patio planting

Think you can't grow things because you have just a patio or deck?

 How about potato's or sweet potato's? Yep you can, and this is how.

Buy some chicken wire at you local hardware store,  and curve it into a the above shape.

Get a bale of hay and add it all around the outside, like those planters you see at the store that use moss, and you can use that too, or just put a large plastic bag inside the wire.... one of those huge ones for leaves.

Then fill with potting soil.  Easy peesy.  If you use the black plastic, poke some holes along each side with a pen or chopstick.

Now go out and buy potatoes..... you don't need the garden center ones, all you need is a bag from the grocery store... they will grow just as good as the fancy ones you buy at the garden center.  The older he better, you want they to have sprouts coming out of them.... if no sprouts, wait till they start sprouting before you plant them.

Place the potatoes so that they are partially on top of the soil.  Make sure the sprouts are down.  Potatoes grow on the roots of  the plant.... so one potato will give you a dozen or more!!! (this picture shows them just around the edges of the planter, but make sure you fill the whole top for more potatoes!!!

Water well, and wait,  you will get some beautiful green growth and leaves.

 In September, just dig around and collect your bounty.  

You can actually start digging around by July if you plant them in May or June, they won't be big, but still very usable!

Garden Must Have's!

  1. Aloe Vera

  2. The aloe vera grows only under the sun with well drained dry or moist soil. Although the plant tastes like turd, it’s still edible. The sap from aloe vera is extremely useful to speed up the healing and reducing the risk of infections for :
    • wounds
    • cuts
    • burns
    • eczema
    • reducing inflammation
    Apart from its external use on the skin, aloe vera is also taken internally in the treatment of :
    • ulcerative colitis (drinking aloe vera juice)
    • chronic constipation
    • poor appetite
    • digestive problems

  3. Marsh Mallow

  4. The plant of which marshmallows are made of. The root is taken internally to treat :
    • inflammations and irritations of the urinary and respiratory mucus membranes
    • counter excess stomach acid
    • peptic ulceration
    • gastritis
    Externally, the root is applied to :
    • bruises
    • sprains
    • aching muscles
    • insect bites
    • skin inflammations
    • splinters
    The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe vera. They can be added to salads, boiled, or fried. It is known to help out in the area of cystitis and frequent urination.

  5. Great Burdock

  6. It requires moist soil and can grow shadeless. The great burdock is the pretty famous in the area of detoxification in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The root is is used to treat ‘toxic overload’ that result in throat infections and skin diseases like :
    • boils
    • rashes
    • burns
    • bruises
    • herpes
    • eczema
    • acne
    • impetigo
    • ringworm
    • bites
    The leaves and seeds can be crushed to poultice it to bruises, burns, ulcers and sores.

  7. Pot Marigold

  8. It grows in almost any type of soil condition. It has no problem with nutritionally poor, very acidic or very alkaline soils, just as long as it’s moist. Well known as a remedy for skin problems, the deep-orange flowered pot marigold variety is applied externally to :
    Internally it is used to treat fevers and chronic infections.
    The tea of the petals tones up circulation and, taken regularly, eases varicose veins.
    Applying the crushed stems of the pot marigold to corns and warts will soon have them easily removable.

  9. Gotu Kola

  10. The gotu kola acts on various phases of connective tissue development and stimulates healing of :
    • ulcers
    • skin injuries
    • decreasing capillary fragility
    • stimulation of the lipids and protein necessary for healthy skin
    Leaves are thought to maintain youthfulness. Crushed leaves are poulticed to treat open sores. The gotu kola can also be used to :
    • treat leprosy
    • revitalize the brain and nervous system
    • increase attention span and concentration

  11. Camomile

  12. With a sweet, crisp, fruity and herbaceous fragrance, has long been used medicinally as a remedy for problems regarding the digestive system. It has a soothing and calming effect in the area of aromatherapy, used to end stress and aid in sleep. The entire herb is used to treat common aches like toothache, earache, shoulder pain and neuralgia.

  13. Globe Artichoke

  14. A bitter tasting plant that requires a lot of sun, the cardoon has become important as a medicinal herb in recent years following the discovery of cynarin. The cardoon leaves, best harvested before flowering, helps to :
    • improve liver and gall bladder function
    • stimulate the secretion of digestive juices
    • lower blood cholesterol levels
    • treat chronic liver and gall bladder diseases
    • jaundice
    • hepatitis
    • asteriosclerosis
    • early stages of late-onset diabetes

  15. Chinese Yam

  16. A type of yam that can be eaten raw, the chinese yam can be easily grown, succeeding in fertile, well drained soil in a sunny position. It is sweet and soothing to the stomach, spleen and has a tonic effect on the lungs and kidneys. It is used internally to treat :
    • tiredness
    • weight loss
    • loss of appetite
    • poor digestion
    • chronic diarrhea
    • asthma
    • dry coughs
    • uncontrollable urination
    • diabetes
    • emotional instability
    Externally, it is applied to :
    The leaf, on the other hand, is used to treat snakebites and scorpion stings.

  17. Echinacea

  18. One of the world’s most important medicinal herbs, the echinacea has the capacity to raise the body’s resistance to bacterial and viral infections by stimulating the immune system. It also has antibiotic properties that helps relieve allergies. Basically, the roots are beneficial in the treatment of sores, wounds and burns. It was once used by the red indians as an application for insect bites, stings and snakebites. The echinacea grows on any well drained soil, as long as it gets sunlight.

  19. Siberian Ginseng

  20. The siberian ginseng has a wide range of health benefits, mostly as a powerful tonic herb that maintains good health. It’s medicinal properties are used for :
    • menopausal problems
    • geriatric debility
    • physical and mental stress
    • treat bone marrow suppression caused by chemotherapy or radiation
    • angina
    • hypercholesterolemia and neurasthenia with headache
    • insomnia
    • poor appetite
    • increasing endurance
    • memory improvement
    • anti-inflammatory purposes
    • immunogenic purposes
    • chemoprotective purposes
    • radiological protection

  21. Great Yellow Gentian

  22. The great yellow gentian root is a bitter herb used to treat digestive disorders and states of exhaustion from chronic diseases. It stimulates the liver, gal bladder and digestive system, strengthening the overall human body. Internally, it is taken to treat :
    • liver complaints
    • indigestion
    • gastric infections
    • aneroxia

  23. Sea Buckthorn

  24. The sea-buckthorn has been used throughout the centuries in China to relieve cough, aid digestion, invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain. The branches and leaves are used in Mongolia to treat gastrointestinal distress in humans and animals.
    The bark and leaves are used for treating diarrhea, gastrointestinal, dermatological disorders and topical compressions for rheumatoid arthritis. Even the flowers are used as skin softeners.
    The berries on the other hand are used together with other medications for pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiac, blood and metabolic disorders. Fresh sea buckthorn berry juice is known to be taken in the event of :
    • colds
    • fever
    • exhaustion
    • stomach ulcers
    • cancer
    • metabolic disorders
    • liver diseases
    • inflammation
    • peptic ulcer
    • gastritis
    • eczema
    • canker sores
    • general ulcerative disorders
    • karatitis
    • trachoma

  25. Tea Tree

  26. Even the aborigines have been using the tea tree leaves for medicinal purposes, like chewing on young leaves to relieve headaches. The paperbark itself is extremely useful to them as it serves to line coolamons when used as cradles, as a bandage, as a sleeping mat, as material for building humpies, as an aluminum foil, as a disposable rain coat and for tamping holes in canoes.
    The leaves and twigs, eventaully made into tea tree oil, is anti fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and deserves a place in every household medicine box. Tea tree oil can be used to treat :

  27. Lemon Balm

  28. The reason the plant is called lemon balm is because of the lemon minty scent of the leaves. The flowers, which appear during the summer, are full of nectar. The crushed leaves, when rubbed on the skin, are used as :
    • mosquito repellent
    • herpes
    • sores
    • gout
    • insect bites
    Infusion of the leaves with water are known to treat :
    • colds
    • fevers
    • indigestion due to nervous tension
    • digestive upsets in children
    • hyperthyroidism
    • depression
    • mild insomnia
    • headaches

  29. Peppermint

  30. Peppermint is sometimes regarded as ‘the world’s oldest medicine’, with archaeological evidence placing its use at least as far back as ten thousand years ago. Pepeprmint are naturally high in manganese, vitamin A and vitamin C. Crushed leaves rubbed on the skin help soothe and relax the muscles. Infused peppermint leaves are used to :
    • reduce irritable bower syndrome
    • against upset stomachs
    • inhibit bacterial growth
    • treat fevers
    • flatulence
    • spastic colon

  31. Evening Primrose

  32. The young roots can be eaten like a vegetable, or the shoots can be eaten as a salad. Poulticed roots of the evening primrose is applied to piles and bruises. Tea made from the roots have also been used in the treatment of obesity and bowel pains. However, the more valuable parts are the leaves and bark which are made into evening primrose oil, known to treat :
    • multiple sclerosis
    • premenstrual tension
    • hyperactivity
    • eczema
    • acne
    • brittle nails
    • rheumatoid arthritis
    • alcohol-related liver damage (alcoholics, this is for you)

  33. Ginseng

  34. One of the most highly regarded medicines in the orient, the ginseng is reputable in it’s ability to promote health, general body vigor and prolong life. The roots are used to :
    • stimulate and relax the nervous system
    • encourage secretion of hormones
    • improve stamina
    • lower blood sugar levels
    • lower cholesterol levels
    • increase resistance to disease
    • treat debility associated with old age
    • treat lack of appetite
    • treat insomnia

  35. Turkey Rhubarb

  36. Known mainly for it’s positive and balancing effect upon the digestive system as a whole. Even children may use the turkey rhubarb as it is gentle enough. The roots act as an astringent tonic to the digestive system while larger doses are used as laxatives. Other than that, it is also known to treat :
    • chronic constipation
    • diarrhea
    • liver and gall bladder complaints
    • hemorrhoids
    • menstrual problems
    • skin eruptions due to accumulation of toxin

  37. Sage

  38. Salvia, the Latin name for sage, means ‘to heal’. Internally, the sage is used for :
    • indigestion
    • flatulence
    • liver complaints
    • excessive lactation
    • excessive perspiration
    • excessive salivation
    • anxiety
    • depression
    • female sterility
    • menopausal problems
    On the other hand, it is used externally for :
    • insect bites
    • skin infections
    • throat infections
    • mouth infections
    • gum infections
    • skin infections
    • vaginal discharge

  39. Wu Wei Z

  40. Low doses of the fruit are said to stimulate the central nervous system whilst large doses depress it, while regulating the cardiovascular system. The seed is used in the treatment of cancer. Externally, it is used to treat irritating and allergic skin conditions while taken internally to treat :
    • dry coughs
    • asthma
    • night sweats
    • urinary disorders
    • involuntary ejaculation
    • chronic diarrhoea
    • palpitations
    • insomnia
    • poor memory
    • hyperacidity
    • hepatitis
    • diabetes

  41. Milk Thistle

  42. It protects and improves the function of the liver (take note, alcoholics). Taken internally, milk thistle helps to treat :
    • liver and gall bladder diseases
    • jaundice
    • hepatitis (liver inflammation)
    • poisoning
    • high cholesterol levels
    • insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes who also have cirrhosis
    • the growth of cancer cells in breast, cervical, and prostate cancers
    • the effects of a hangover

  43. Comfrey

  44. Comfrey contains allantoin, a cell proliferant that speeds up the natural replacement of body cells. It is reputed to have teeth and bone building properties in children. Safer to use externally than internally, comfrey is used to treat a wide variety of ailments ranging from :
    • bronchial problems
    • broken bones
    • sprains
    • arthritis
    • gastric and varicose ulcers
    • severe burns
    • acne
    • cuts
    • bruises
    • sprains
    • sores
    • eczema
    • varicose veins

  45. Feverfew

  46. A tea made from the whole plant is used in the treatment of arthritis, colds, fevers etc. It is said to be sedative and to regulate menses. An infusion is used to bathe swollen feet. Applied externally as a tincture, the plant is used in the treatment of bruises. Chewing 1-4 leaves a day has proven to be effective in the treatment of some migraine headaches.

  47. Fenugreek

  48. Fenugreek seeds are nourishing and taken to :
    • encourage weight gain (take not, anorexics)
    • inhibit cancer of the liver
    • lower blood cholesterol levels
    • treat inflammation and ulcers of the stomach and intestines
    • drain off sweat ducts
    • for body building
    • for late onset diabetes
    • poor digestion
    • insufficient lactation
    • painful menstruation
    • labor pains
    • freshen bad breath
    • restore a dull sense of taste

  49. Slippery Elm

  50. The inner bark of the slippery elm can be ground into nutrient-rich porridge-like soup that serves as an excellent remedy for sore throats. Other than that, it can be used to soothe the digestive tract. The bark of the slippery elm was used as an abortion tool, moistened with water and inserted into the cervix, before it was banned by certain countries like the UK.

  51. Stinging Nettle

  52. Long known as a nutritious addition to the diet and as a herbal remedy, the stinging nettle leaves have been traditionally used to :
    • cleanse the blood
    • treat hay fever
    • arthritis and anemia
    • excessive menstruation
    • hemorrhoids
    • rheumatism
    • skin problems like eczema
    • nettle rash
    • chicken pox
    • bruises
    • burns

  53. Agnus Castus

  54. Beneficial to female hormonal system, the agnus castus seeds and fruits are used to rectify hormonal imbalances caused by an excess of estrogen and an insufficiency of progesterone. It acts upon the pituitary gland, reducing the production of certain hormones and increasing the production of others, shifting the balance in favor of the gestagens, hormones that ‘secure’ pregnancy. Thus it has a wide application of uses in malfunctions of the feminine reproductive system and has been used with great effect in :
    • restoring absent menstruation
    • regulating heavy periods
    • restoring fertility caused by hormonal imbalance
    • relieving premenstrual tension
    • easing the transition of menopause

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Cool Idea!!!!!

Take a mason jar and spray the lid with chalkboard paint.

milk bath

Release your inner Cleopatra with a milk bath! 

Add 2 cups of powdered milk to your bath, sit back and relax. 

It will make your skin look and feel smooth, silky and super soft.

Basic Herbal Tincture

Basic Herbal Tincture Prep

You will need:

  • Sterilized Mason jar/ or any other type with a tightly fitting lid.
  • Coffee Grinder, Blender, Knife, small food possessor
  • Herb either dried or fresh
  • 80 - 100 proof Alcohol (Vodka or Rum)
  • Small Dark Glass Dropper Bottles
  • Cheese Cloth
  • Marker & Labels
What to do:

  1. Chop Fresh or Powder Dried Herbs as finely as possible. Coffee grinders, Food processors, Blenders or a simple knife work. The finer the better.
  2. Herbs which are chopped or powdered more easily allow for the plant materials to be extracted. 
  3. Decide how much alcohol is needed by weighing plant materials.
  4. Place plant materials in jar & cover with proper amount of alcohol.
  5. Seal the jar with lid. Label and Date. And place in cool, dry, dark place. 
  6. Shake jar each day for two weeks.
  7. After two week, strain the tincture using cheesecloth or similar product. 
  8. Tinctures are usually stored in small dark glass, dropper bottles. Poor strained alcohol in to final labeled bottle. Store in cool, dry, dark area.

Additional Tips:
  • 7oz of dried herbs or 8oz of fresh chopped herbs will need approx. 1loz of liquid.
  • For tinctures which will be ingested, Rum will help disguise the taste of bitter herbs.
  • Standard oral dosage is 1 teaspoon, 1-3 times daily, diluted in tea, juice or water.
  • Tinctures can last up to 2 years if stored properly.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Emergency soup

I'm making what I call my "Emergency soup". 

What that means is that I have no canned soup in the house, and I don't have the time or MONEY to go out and buy fresh ingredients.......... but I really need some warm, comforting soup!

My hubby HATED canned veggies, but I love them, and always keep a good supply around the house, just for times like this when I need soup in a hurry.

What I do is raid the canned pantry.  First .... stewed tomatoes  (these I usualy put in the blender and blend them up, but sometimes I just pop then in a sausepan the way it comes from a can) this time I blended the can first.

I always keep a lot of stewed tomatoes around the house, great for chili, and of course as a base for soup. And the great thing about them is it already has onions, peppers, garlic, etc.. mixed in the can!

Then I added a can of carrots, and one of string beans, and a small can of mushrooms

(sometimes I add regular kidney beans or butter beans, or Lima beans.... well, you get the drift)

Add them to a pot, after, draining them... and add the stewed tomates... and a nice big can of water.

Then I check for fresh stocked  ingredients.... Onions, lots of onions.. celery (if I have it)

and for those NOT allergic... add a ton of potatoes! Of course, no potatoes for me!  :) Don't need to swell up, just to get warm.

Let it all cook for a while, then add salt, pepper, chili powder, and a few flakes of red pepper.

And done!

Hot, good, super cheap... and it will warm you bones!

How to make Herbal Wine

This story is just too good not to share! 

It's long, so I'm just going to post the link, and you all can go and read it!

Lamb's Quarter

 My Mom and Grandmom used to send us kids out across the street to an abandoned factory in South River.  There was a creek there, and they sent us to collect Lambs quarter!

I personally, think it was an excuse to get us out of the house!!!  But, we enjoyed sitting on the creek bank, picking herbs, so it wasn't that bad. LOL

Later on my grand-mom would fry it up with bacon.... totally yummy!!!
 Lamb's-quarter (Chenopodium album) is another weed that grows in all 50 states. Lamb's-quarter comes up much earlier than purslane, but not as early as many of the edible wild cresses.

Harvest only the young shoots shortly after they have unfolded, and discard the older leaves and tough stems.

I have seen lots of recipes for lamb's-quarter, but some may prefer the boiled leaves spiced up with bacon drippings or bacon crumbs. Add washed leaves to garden salads too!!
 Lamb's quarter, lambsquarters and similar terms refer to various species of goosefoot, or pigweed.

The leaves and young shoots may be eaten as a leaf vegetable, either steamed in its entirety, or cooked like spinach, but should be eaten in moderation due to high levels of oxalic acid. 

Each plant produces tens of thousands of black seeds. These are high in protein, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Quinoa is a closely related species which is grown specifically for its seeds.

It is also used as a medicinal plant in traditional African medicine.

Archaeologists analysing carbonized plant remains found in storage pits and ovens at Iron Age and Roman sites in Europe have found its seeds mixed with conventional grains and even inside the stomachs of Danish bog bodies.
In India, the plant is popularly called bathua and found abundantly in the winter season. The leaves and young shoots of this plant are used in dishes such as Sarson Da Saag, soups, curries and in Paratha stuffed breads, especially popular in Punjab. The seeds or grains are used in phambra or laafi, gruel type dishes in Himachal Pradesh, and in mildly alcoholic fermented beverages such as soora and ghanti.[19]

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Oil of Oregano

Oil of Oregano has many health benefits. It can reduce pain and inflammation and can fight off infection. It also can boost the immune system. It has been used to reduce the symptoms and duration of the cold and flu, help relieve digestive problems, and provide relief for muscle aches and pains.

Uses for Oil of Oregano:

Sinus Congestion, Colds and Sore Throats, and Digestive Problems-Add a couple drops to a glass of water or juice and drink. For sinus congestion you can also rub some diluted oil or oregano directly on your sinuses for relief.
Sore Muscles, Arthritis, Aches and Pains-Massage into affected area to relieve pain and inflammation. Dilute with olive oil and always test on a small area first.

Make Oil of Oregano:

If you have some fresh oregano on hand, you can make your own oil of oregano. You will need a 1:1 ratio of oregano to oil, or you can use more oregano to make a stronger batch. I used 1/2 a cup oregano and 1/2 a cup olive oil.
1. Wash and dry your oregano.
2. Place the oregano leaves in a plastic zip lock bag (don’t close) and cover the bag with a kitchen towel.
3. Pound on the bag with a meat mallet or something similar. This will release the oils.
4. Heat up some olive oil or grape seed oil until warm. Do not boil.
5. Add the oil in to the bag with the oregano and squeeze the mixture for a minute or two.
6. Now pour the mixture into a clean class jar and place somewhere cool and dry for 2 weeks.
7. After 2 weeks, strain the oregano from the oil.

As always, please do your own research and use caution when trying new herbal remedies. Oil of oregano should not be used when pregnant.

10 ways to preserve herbs!

  1.  Air/Hang Dry Method: If you have the space and the time, you can tie small bunches of cleaned herbs together (about 4 or 5 stems) and hang them upside down in a dark, warm, well ventilated area. The drying time is about 2 to 4 weeks – you want the leaves to be crispy and easily crumble between your fingers before you pack them for storage.
  2. Oven: Arrange cleaned stems in a single layer on a cookie sheet with temperature set at 180° F. Heat for about 4 hours, keeping the oven door open the entire time (to let moisture escape). Stir occasionally during this heating process.
  3. Microwave Method: This a quick & easy method if you need them dried fast…but watch while you’re heating to make sure they don’t smoke or start on fire. Since microwaves heat differently, the times may vary for you. Detailed instructions are found at the bottom of this page.
  4. Cool Air: Wash then pat herbs with a soft cloth to remove moisture. Layer a cookie sheet with paper towels and then arrange stems in a single layer. Place in the refrigerator and remove once they are completely dried (check daily). Does not work in crisper bins.
  5. Salt or Sugar: Layer fresh leaves between salt or sugar (covering completely) and leave them until they are desiccated. Remove leaves and store in airtight containers. Choose salt or sugar depending on the flavor of the herb and which would be better suited to it.
  6. Freeze In Ice Cubes: Chop leaves then sprinkle into ice cube trays (measure into each cube the most common amount you use in cooking, for example 1 tsp). Cover with water and freeze (can also cover with stock or olive oil). Pop them out once they’re frozen, package in freezer bags and store in the freezer (remove as much air as possible from the bags first). When needed for cooking, just take out a cube and pop it in the dish that’s cooking (thawing first is optional–remember to account for the frozen liquid in your recipe). Tip: Try mixing your favorite blends before freezing.
  7. Freezing Whole & Chopped: Many herbs freeze well without added liquid. Wash and dry the leaves then store in freezer bags with as much air removed as possible. Freeze. You can also lay them in a single layer on a cookie sheet, freeze, then pack in bags (easier to remove singly when frozen). See a handy tip at the bottom of this page for crushing them quickly, you can also chop them first if you prefer.
  8. Bulk Pastes (Pesto): Wash clean then chop in a food processor, add enough oil to make a paste when blended (approximately 2 cups fresh herbs to 1/3 cup olive oil). Freeze in small containers (remove all air first by shaking and tapping the container then top with a fine layer of olive oil to seal paste against air). Thaw before using. Spoon out the required amount needed for cooking then store the rest in the refrigerator. The most common pesto is made from basil, but you can use other herbs too (and combinations).
  9. Bulk Seasoning Salt: Have a ready supply of seasonings at your fingertips (create your own signature blend), whipping up batches only once a year and freezing until needed.
  10. Bulk Oils or Butters: Chop leaves and mix with oil or butter to taste. Freeze in single serving butter pats or in cube sizes appropriate for cooking (just add the butter pat while dish is cooking–remember to account for butter in recipe). Thaw before using. 


Spring peppers

How to have an awesome pepper harvest.

Spray the plant with Epsom salts (1 teaspoon dissolved in a spray bottle of warm water (about 4 cups).

That gives the pepper plant a boost of magnesium that is required at flowering time to produce fruit. Spray them again 10 days later and in a few weeks, our expert friends report, you will have more peppers than you can eat.

Also, for a super added boost.... dig the hole for the pepper plant, add a book of ripped off match's.. (not the covers, just the match's) cover with a little dirt, and plop the pepper plant into the hole.  The sulfur in the match's give a nice whole season boost to the peppers!!!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012


Dead Sea Mud Mask Recipe
1/2 cup Dead Sea Mud
2 drops Carrot seed essential oil
2 drops Sandalwood Essential Oil
Place dry mud and oils in a glass jar. Shake vigorously to mix. Apply to dry face for at least 5 minutes. Rinse completely with warm water. Good for normal to oily skin.

Egg White Facial mask
One egg white, whipped
Whip the egg white slightly. Apply to face and allow to dry, then rinse well. Great for tightening pores!

Frozen Egg Facial Mask

1 egg
1/2 cup Grapeseed oil
1 tbs honey

To a beaten egg, add coconut oil and honey slowly, mixing until consistency is like pudding. Spoon mixture into a clean, used toilet paper roll, sitting upright in a small bowl. Place in the freezer overnight. To use, peel away the top of the cardboard roll and smooth the frozen stick over your face. Leave on for 10 minutes, then wash off with warm water and cleanse as normal. Keep the stick covered with plastic wrap and freeze between uses.

Natural Makeup

Ingredients: 2 Tbsp Olive Oil, 1 Tbsp Honey, 1 Beet

Step 1) Cut your beet in half and trim off the skin. Chop into tiny pieces.

Step 2) Add all your ingredients into a food processor and blend until liquefied. Strain to separate liquids from solids.

Step 3) Pour the liquid stain into a glass jar or other air tight container.

Step 4) Using a lip brush or cotton swap, slide the stain over clean, dry lips.

Step 5) Using the same tool, dab three dots of stain onto the apple of your cheek. Smile to help with placement.

Step 6) Blend onto cheek with circular motion until skin absorbs the stain. Repeat on other cheek.

Step 7) When done, store in refrigerator for up to four weeks or in the freezer for two months.
If you love the idea of a cheek and lip stain but want to experiment with other colors – try different fruits like cherries, strawberries, or raspberries. 

To give the stain a darker hue add a touch of espresso to the mix. You’ll find that there are tons of different ways you can experiment with natural, edible ingredients that will not only make you look healthy and flushed – but will also nourish and moisturize your skin.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Lack of B12

 OMG!!!!  My nails looks just like this!!!!!!  I'm going to run out and get some B12!!!!!

Vitamin B12 deficiency will cause your brain to shrink, you may lose memory or experience confusion.

One indication that you might be deficient is the appearance of lines or ridges on your fingernails and/or the disappearance of the moons at the bottoms of your fingernails.

Methylcobalamin is the bioactive form, so look on your label to make sure you have that form of B12. Also, watch your peripheral neuropathy start to ease with B12, it is nerve food!

Coconut whip!

Step 1: Take a “full fat” can of Organic Coconut Milk and place it in the fridge for some time or best over night
Refrigerated Coconut Milk being scooped out

Step 2: Make sure that you scoop out all the thickened coconut cream, and that the water is left over. Don’t discard the water, use it to drink or in a shake.
Coconut Water
Step 3: After scooping it out, add a little vanilla, and whip it in a mixing bowl until it begins to thicken.
Step 4: Enjoy every

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Four Thieves Vinegar

How to make Four Thieves Vinegar

Use equal parts, rosemary, sage, garlic, and lavender. (I never use the garlic!)

(If you can't eat garlic, like me, because of an allergy, try adding fresh Chives instead)
place herbs in a jar and cover with white/wine, or apple cider vinegar. (but white is the best!!!)
Let set for 6 weeks in cool dry place before using.

For healing, or to make your enemies go away or any other person you wish out of your life.

Add a 1/2 of cup to your bath water. Then wash yourself from head-to-toe.
This removes negative vibrations, provides personal protection from enemies and magical attacks and has an astral cleansing effect.

You can also sprinkle a few drops of the 4 Thieves Vinegar on an enemy's doorstep to help make them go away or leave you alone.

When sick or coming down with something.... take one Tablespoon a day. You can add it to salad dressing, and use it that way, makes it a lot less yucky!!!

Yes or No!

Yes and No Answer Spell

You Need;
Paper about 3 inch square

White Candle
Flat Dish (doing this over the sink is even better!)

Take the piece of paper and write your question on it.
 If you wish add a Pentagram to the back for extra power.

  light the Candle.

Relax and look deep into the Candles flame while thinking of the question you have.

Try to see the question and the answer of your desire.

Quietly say;

Here me Flame as I ask,
What's the answer to this task.

Now ask your question and as you do touch the corner of the paper to the flame and quickly put the burning paper in the sink

If the paper burns to complete ash, your answer is, YES.

If the paper burns and leaves more than half, your answer is, PROBABLY.

If the paper burns to less than half, your answer is, NO.

If the Paper does not burn, It’s a WARNING, to be careful of whatever you’re asking.

Flirting with Fangs!!!!

OMG!!!!  She has a new series coming out in April!!!!  This is a total good read, if you like Strange Neighbors... you'll love this one!

Hint: she's going to use my name in the second book of the series.... How to date a dragon... should be interesting!!!