You will need: a picture of your enemy, or a drawing if a photo is not available.
Make sure no one else is in the photo if you use one.
Vanilla incense.
Take the picture of your enemy and pass it through the smoke of the vanilla incense.
say the following 3 times:
Enemy, enemy, turn into friend
let all ill will now come to an end.
Two candles with the astrological color correspondences of both your signs.
Light both candles. Chant:
Candle shining in the night
With your flame enchanted,
By the powers of magic might
May my wish be granted.
Winds of friendship blow this way, from now until our final day.
This spell that I send is now at an end.
Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade! So mote it be!
Sprinkle cinnamon over the candles, watching as it crackles.
Blow out the candles in the direction of your friend's house, so the smoke wafts in his/her direction.
Each morning the following week, have cinnamon toast for breakfast.
And if you can, sprinkle cinnamon on your cappuccino.
And if you like it, chew cinnamon gum. (Are you sensing a theme here?)
If it's in the best interests of the universe, your friend will agree with you during the week.
small piece rhodonite assorted flowers
cauldron filled half-way with water (preferably spring or filtered)
Before the spell begins, decorate your altar with fresh cut flowers in a manner that will allow them to witness your work. Call upon you're the appropriate deity/spirit of your tradition and ask them to witness your spell.
Place the stone in the center of the cauldron with water.
Open yourself and allow yourself to feel peaceful.
When you are relaxed, take a step back and while concentrating on the quarrel say.
The time has come for his quarrel to end.
Let anger be released and begin the mend.
Repeat this until you can feel any anger or hurt about the argument floating away.
Collect the flowers and put them in a vase using the water from your cauldron.
Keep them in a place in your home that you go to often and allow then to remind you that all will be well soon.
Give the stone to the other person as a gift.
Try to resolve your differences rationally and if you feel yourself getting angry repeat the chant to yourself.
Your argument should be well on it's way to being over by the time the flowers wilt.
To be done after an argument has occurred between you and a loved one.
Draw two figures on separate sheets of paper-one representing you and the other representing the other person. Personalize the figures as needed (e.g.. Draw yellow on the head for blond hair, draw glasses , etc.)
Place an unbroken bay leaf on one figure and lay the other figure
face-down on top, creating a sandwich type thing. Say:
"Let the bay leaf take the energy and anger that is between us."
Separate the figures. Pick up the bay leaf and crumple it in the palm of your hand.
While doing so, say:
" As this leaf is broken and blown away,
Let the anger contained within also break and blow away."
Place the figures again on top of each other and say,
"Now there is no anger between us."
Blow the leaf to the wind. Wrap the figures up with a pink ribbon and put in safe place.
Take a brown candle and write your enemy's name on it three times.
Place it a bowl of brown sugar. Light the candle and affirm;
"Your hostility, I'll overcome.
In days of nine, your friendship is mine."
Do this before you go to bed.
In the morning take what is left of the candle wax and the brown sugar and throw
it in your enemy's yard. Do this for nine consecutive days without fail.
Inscribe a pink candle with your name, then anoint the rose quartz with sunflower oil.
Light the candle. Hold the stone in your hand, and visualize friendships coming your
way and a new relationships forming. Chant three times
open mind, and gain new life,
gone from you, all stress and strife.
open heart, gain life anew.
accept all love that's offered you.
positive thought and word and deed.
enter now, of bane I'm freed
ancient, hear me---grant my plea
to new relationships, open me.
place the stone by the candle, and leave it there until the candle burns down.
carry the stone with you.
Just Do It
19 hours ago
What fun! A Spelling Bee! Tomorrow, I will secretly take a snapshot of that "forever barking at me no matter how big I smile or no matter how many kind words I say to him as I stroll by" neighbor pup, so I can cast your Enemy Into a Friend spell his arf-arf way. Then, because I'm new to blogland, I will invest in your post's tail-spell, Spell For New Friendship! (Probably wouldn't hurt to leave a trail of breadcrumbs (a"link") back to my blog page either. lol!)
A plentiful lot of thanks for this wonderful collection of spells!
Cellar Door
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