And of course, this is Merlin. Please excuse him...... he's not too happy about the hat. Giggle
Religion in a Nutshell
1 day ago
Merlin is my companion and my familiar. So, I figured that his name should be the title of this Witch's room. I'm going to post spells, both new and well used ones, and all kinds of information on the craft. I'm a 5th generation Witch, so I have a lot of older learning that I would love to pass on. Come in, have a cup of tea, pet my cat, and maybe learn something along the way
Posted by Judith at 1:40 PM
awww Merlin you look so cute... but I can understand you just have to be so tolerant of us... giggles we do such silly things sometimes but we always bring you some such nice presents... pretty mouses and such from the store and all those nice straws....
And crackers, don't forget the crackers. Merlin loves things that crunch!!!! He actually is a very patient cat. But, totaly in charge of me. LOL
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