I joined a new Star Trek club recently. I went to my first meeting this past Sunday. It was a blast!!!!! I'm the new Chief of Operations!
Kind of a long ride, almost over an hour, into Atlantic City, but My friend Mike
(In the back row, second from the right.... and yeah that's me 3rd from the right.... I have great skill in hiding from the camera!!! giggle)
As I was saying, Mike drove down from Harrisburg, a 3 hour drive.... so I can't complain too much.
Yes, there are Star Trek clubs much closer to me, but I've met those clubs, and didn't like them AT ALL. This one was cool!
The people were friendly, and it was a FUN meeting..... especially after they broke out the Mud Slides! Giggle Most ships are super stodgy, this one looks to be a party fun ship..... and that's good with me!!!
There are more members that weren't at this meeting, so the ship is growing. All of the guy are new to this, none of them have belonged to a ship before.
And our brand spanking new Capt. (he's on the sofa in red!) is also new..... first ship for him! Mike and I have belonged to a few, and we've both been Capt's of our own ships.
But the fun part.... NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER BEEN TO SHORE LEAVE CONVENTION!!! Really, I'm totally surprised. Hopefully I can get some of them there, if not for this one, maybe the next one.
But watch out...... we old convention people have our ways with "Convention Virgins".... yes we do! We won't hurt them or anything..... but we do enjoy introducing newbee's to the conventions. GIGGLE
Mike met me there early, and we parked and walked to the beach and the Atlantic City Boardwalk (incredibly dull compared to MY Seaside Heights boardwalk!!!) And we looked at the ocean, and then went into two casino's.
Mikie played, and won.... I spent 10 bucks and lost 10 bucks.... and I was playing the penny slots!!!
I don't gamble..... but get me on my boardwalk and I'll spend a fortune for a stuffed sponge bob doll!!!! GIGGLE
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