Here it is, the very first week of October, and I'm DONE WITH MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!!! WOW I was late this year!!!! I usually try to finish up by July, but I just couldn't get it coodonated. LOL But I'm done now, so I'm happy. (doing skipping happy dance)
Well, almost done, I still have to buy something for my Aunt Harriet. She's gonna be the hardest one to buy for, she has everything!!!!! Besides having fantastic good taste, so It's going to take some work figuring out what to get her. But, since she's not coming up from Fla for Christmas, I also have to take into account that whatever I get her has to be mailed. So it can't be too big, or breakable. Hummmmmm I actually know a few things she'd like, but I think I'm going to settle for some kind of jewelry. Gold probably.
But other then her I'M DONE!!!!! I did so well this year, I have stuff that I think is going to be a BIG hit with everyone. The kids will love the stuff I got, and Jaime is going to go nuts (giggle) I think even Mark will like his stuff. And Eileen and Steph will be happy too. Barb's things will match her new kitchen.... Hopefully she'll wall paper ect before Christmas, so that my gift will match!
And I was good..... I didn't by something for someone, and then get one for me too. LOL but some of Jamie's things I picked out, I would love to keep for myself!!! It's not good to have the same taste. LOL
I'm thinking of having a Christmas tree decorating party...... Just thinking about it. I'd have to pick a date well before Christmas, because I'm one of those weird people who like to decorate for Christmas the night of thanksgiving!!!!! I know it's early, but I love to do it then. Besides witch it's still warm enough out to hand the outside decorations with out freezing your bum off. LOL
Just Do It
20 hours ago
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