We've been having unusually warm weather her at the shore, for spring that is.... It's hit the 90's every day for 3 days now, and the weather report says one more day to go!
I love it!!! I don't mind it at all, but my poor kitty has been looking at me like.... WTF LADY!!!
He's been sprawled out in all the cool area's he can find, and moving once it gets warm again, to another cool area.... so I took pity on him!
After all, I have to check the central air before summer starts?... what if it's broken?, or need some work?.... right????
Giggle, so today at 3pm I turned it on, just for an hour or so, to check it out... make sure it works... you understand that don't you???
Mmmmmmmmm cool air!!! Works just fine!!!! giggle I think I'll let it run a little bit.... just to be sure!
Religion in a Nutshell
17 hours ago
LOL I have had my air on and off since yesterday, when it got so hot in the house I turned into a vicious cranky monster. I don't blame you for turning yours on.
enjoy it... I am sure you are... you have had your share of strange weather this last season
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